I feel like a little girl!

USATODAY.com – Gates puzzled by computer science apathy — Let me see. Microsoft is known for only hiring young programmers and the undustry as a whole likes to get rid of older employees in favor of H1B or outsourcing.. In this business “older” means anyone over 30. And they are all ever-so baffled that nobody wants to go into this computer science or become coders.

REDMOND, Wash. — Speaking to hundreds of university professors, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates says he’s baffled more students don’t go into computer science.

Gates said Monday that even if young people don’t know that salaries and job openings in computer science are on the rise, they’re hooked on so much technology %u2014 cell phones, digital music players, instant messaging, Internet browsing %u2014 that it’s puzzling why more don’t want to grow up to be programmers.

“It’s such a paradox,” Gates said. “If you say to a kid, ‘Yeah, what are the 10 coolest products you use that your parents are clueless about, that you’re good at using,’ I don’t think they’re going to say, ‘Oh, you know, it’s this new breakfast cereal. And I want to go work in agriculture and invent new cereals or something.’ … I think 10 out of 10 would be things that are software-driven.”

found by M. Hom

  1. Rance Bleester says:

    Yeah, that truly is a “paradox”, by golly!
    Since tech centers in India and stateside H1B/L1 hires replacing Americans are not connected.
    Here’s another one: why the dickens aren’t more blue collar guys heading for a career in manufacturing?
    That’s a real stumper. Maybe Alan Greenspan can help with that nasty brain teaser.
    Oh, and how about this one:
    Why in the world don’t those damn teenagers get summer jobs to pay for all those “cool” gadgets that Bill says will propel them into happy Geekdom?
    I’ve been scratching my knobby haid about that one for years.
    Lazy moochers!
    But today’s most amazing “paradox” is how Bill Gates got so bloody rich while being so bloody stupid.

  2. sh says:

    Here’s a hint billy. I used to make 80K 7 years ago now I make 35K.

  3. Rob Barac says:

    sh, does that mean that you are 45k less valuable? If so I beat you being 116k less valuable than 7 years ago.

    The curliest part is, when I moved out of IT10 months ago, my salary halved straight away.

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    It feels surreal working in an industry where executives and workers perceptions of reality seem so far apart.

    Who has the answers about the software industry and how it’s really changing? It would be nice to deal with facts instead of fear.

    Are there too many or too few programmers? What languages and systems do they program? Does the government complete any due diligence in assessing whether H1B workers are truly needed?

    I just passed a new poster on the wall that says there are 4.5 million Java programmers. I don’t know if that number is scary or fantasy.
    How many even have a CS degree? How many are H1Bs?

    Actually, I should probably be scared because I’m lazy, posting on this god-forsaken web site.

    That’s right, John, God has forsaken you! You made a deal with the devil and swapped souls with P.T. Barnum.

  5. Jeff says:

    I’m sorry, but the off-shoring and foreign worker conspiracy stuff is a myth where I live. Come here to the Cleveland/Akron market, where we can’t keep anything staffed. We’re hiring people on work visas around here because we have to, not because we want to.

  6. John Schumann says:

    At the end of the day he’s still a dork.

  7. Kwadwo Seinti says:

    This is very interesting. The answer lies in what we want in life. We all want one thing.


    Are you going to be prestigious as a computer developer? How famous will you be? In what regard will associates in other fields hold you?

    If you want be say the President, you have a much better chance by studying law, unless you own your own business. However, Mr. Gate’s own M$ and the open source freaks are bent on very difficult to do so.


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