The Digital Age accelerates our ability to know the world every minute of the day. If we get lucky, generations to follow might even do more than just consume images and sound. They might begin to learn from this flow of data.

This photo shows the rucksack used in the bus bombing, yesterday. The logo of the gymnasium selling the bag has been identified. The yellow packing materials apparently were stuffed around the bomb in the bag.

This was taken from the front window of an apartment overlooking Hackney Road in East London. After the failed bombing attempts, the tube stations were shut down — the #26 bus was halted at the roadside — while police recovered forensic information. In the case of the bus, they evacuated the businesses in the immediate vicinity. They didn’t remove anyone from the apartments typically located above neighborhood stores on London streets.

The resident in one of those apartments calmly called CNN and offered a step-by-step description of what was going on. I heard him, live, just after the attack. I presume it was his digital camera, still or video, that took this picture. It appeared on Sky News, first. Then, it appeared in the SUN, the UK’s biggest newspaper.

Can you imagine how Kennedy’s assassination might have been recorded — in 2005?

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    It wasn’t very prudent of that londoner to step up and report the goings on live to CNN…. Although it was very british 🙂

    I think most of us want to be in the center of attentions evrey now and then, and the person caught the opportunity… he/she (I didn’t watch the event) may have ignored the risk being taken – he/she could have been killed…

    These bombs have been regarded somewhat as bug bites… The UK isn’t going to change their policy regarding the Middle East… Bomb all you will…

    And they’re not going to be terrified either… They’re kinda different in that respect from Spaniards (and us, Portuguese), they seem to like to sing ‘God Bless the Queen’ with bombs going off all around them… They’re crazy.

  2. And it’s the “craziness” , i.e., courage, of the British that I admire.

    These “terrorists” who are failing to inspire much terror, these cowards with covered faces, these misogynists and misanthropes, these crybaby bullies, hoping to inhabit a paradise with 70 fat ugly virgins…

    …are also very stupid.

    Imagine. Wearing a tee shirt with “New York” printed on it.

    Wearing strong cologne to disguise the bomb chemical smells.

    Carrying designer and commercial gym logo backpacks.

    Yeah. I’m really scared of these fanatics.

    No wonder they like to pick on and oppress women, children, and unarmed civilians. They can’t fight like real men.

    I mock them at every web site and blog I can find, when appropriate.

    They make me laugh.

    I feel sorry for those who die and are hurt, but “tolerance” for radical Islamic militant preaching in mosques has got to end.

    Karma has no favoritism.


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