Talking to Americans — This was sent to me by a Canadian reader. This is apparently a Canadian TV segment similar to Jay Leno’s Jaywalking where people make it clear that they do no know jack about anything. Humiliating.

That said this same schtick could be done in Canada with Canadians.

DID YOU KNOW that the capital of Canada recently relocated from Ottawa to Toronto? Former Vice-President Al Gore did! (1:34 | 1,693KB)

  1. DENHam says:

    The shtick was that Americans knew little to nothing about Canada. The show did not attempt to show how ignorant Americans are in general, but only in relation to Canada.

    I guarantee that Canadians will know more about the U.S than the reverse. It is not that hard to know about the 500 lb gorrilla in the room than the 12 oz mouse.

    That said it is sad that the politicians themselves could be so ignorant.

    Still a funny show.

  2. ace says:

    You’re right, it’s a cheap shot, but speaking as a card-carrying member of the True North, it can by very, very funny. And he regularly takes the mickey out of our own politicians as well.

    No offense, eh?

  3. site admin says:

    I have no problem being insulted by Canadians. They have as much right to do it as anyone. That said and what Canadians do not fully understand is that we Americans are very soft when it comes to insulting Canada. While there is the running joke about the money and beer few American media outlets gave it to the Canucks some years back when a branch of their armed forces was found guilty of some pretty disgusting hazing including forcing recruits to eat crap. I mean the gag opportunities were HUGE.

    And I should mention that in terms of pure dry humor, the Canadians are funnier than we are.

  4. gquaglia says:

    And they said George W was stupid.

  5. MikeR says:


    Rick Mercer is not just “insulting” Americans here – he is also poking fun at our (Canadians) insecurities about how Americans perceive us. Like many good comedy schticks it works on more than one level.

  6. Anthony says:

    It’s fun to poke fun at Canada.

    I’m not sure why though… It would be just as easy to poke fun at Mexico (if not easier), but we don’t…


  7. meetsy says:

    “it would be just as easy to poke fun at Mexico…..”

    It’s not as fun to poke fun at Mexico, because…..of the two, only the Canadians GET the jokes, eh?

    …Joking about Mexico…makes about as much sense as the Canadian’s joking about Newfoundland…

    oh wait…..

  8. AB CD says:

    Is this the same guy that quizzed Bush about foreign leaders in 2000? He was credited with 1 out of 4(Taiwan), though the asker’s answer on Chechnya should have been Yeltsin. However, Bush’s answer on Pakistan helped considerably, especially since it undercut Pat Buchanan’s appeal, suggesting Bush would have a more humble foreign policy.

  9. Rob Barac says:

    Maybe the Canadian armed forces forced their own to eat crap, but at least they did not strip, photograph and f**k their prisoners.

    The USA is an easy target because of the ill feeling it generates globally, even among it’s allies, with it military/foreign and economic policies.

    That said, it’s very sad that the focus general education, news and media is so Amero-centric in the USA because it does make Americans look stupid to the outside world when they really aren’t. They are only ill informed.

    BTW: I’m Australian


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