Scientists Worry About Pentagon’s New Ray Gun

The ADS weapon’s beam causes pain within 2 to 3 seconds and it becomes intolerable after less than 5 seconds. People’s reflex responses to the pain is expected to force them to move out of the beam before their skin can be burnt.

But Neil Davison, co-ordinator of the non-lethal weapons research project at the University of Bradford in the UK, says controlling the amount of radiation received may not be that simple. “How do you ensure that the dose doesn’t cross the threshold for permanent damage?” he asks. “What happens if someone in a crowd is unable, for whatever reason, to move away from the beam? Does the weapon cut out to prevent overexposure?”

During the experiments, people playing rioters put up their hands when hit and were given a 15-second cooling-down period before being targeted again. One person suffered a burn in a previous test when the beam was accidentally used on the wrong power setting.

A vehicle-mounted version of ADS called Sheriff could be in service in Iraq in 2006 according to the Department of Defense, and it is also being evaluated by the US Department of Energy for use in defending nuclear facilities. The US marines and police are both working on portable versions, and the US air force is building a system for controlling riots from the air.

This should put the fear of God into protestors.

  1. Paul Stewart says:

    Hmmm, kind of makes me think of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    What mercinary Mind divulges this kind of tech?
    sure I’ve heard it before that if we don’t someone else will…
    How bright do you have to be to think up non-leathal weapons?
    What is the humain way of waging war?

    when can I get one to attach to the motion sensor on my garage, so when the light goes off, so does trhe skin of trespassers…

    You can get anything you want at alice’s reseraunt,
    come on, sing along, follow the bouncing ball…

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    It’s cynical, I know, but I’d rather be burned than killed…

    Some may say this sort of development is sinister, but I’m a fan of anything that does not kill people.

  3. AB CD says:

    Would’ve helped in Oregon where protesters were so crazed they ended up beating up some AIDS groups as well as the people at Bush’s fundraiser.

  4. John Schumann says:

    Do they cost much? I mean, if they need extra money to pay for them or for social security or something, they could rent out the space on the billboard thing on top of the truck. Otherwise, a picture of our ruler would be good there.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    the US air force is building a system for controlling riots from the air.

    What riots? (and note their use of the plural)

    When gasoline reaches $5 a gallon?

    Using the words “controlling” and “riots” in the same sentence makes me laugh. You can try to contain them, or disperse them, but I doubt you can control them – especially not “from the air”.


    You can’t mount them on an Air Force jet, since it would have to be something that can “loiter” over the riot i.e. helicoter or VTOL. Whatever craft they use, I hope they paint them black. 🙂

  6. laineypie says:

    Our country is so sick and twisted. Maybe it’s just my quietly paranoid mind, but one day when average Americans realize they really are being dicked over by the world’s richest 1% and actually begin to do something about it, these sort of “non-lethal” weapons will be used, I am sure. And why would we be so concerned with ‘controlling riots from the air” unless we weren’t expecting there to be riots?

  7. Paul Stewart says:

    Mike, Not so,

    It would be mounted like side scaning radar, it is a microwave we are talking about all they have to do is focus it,

    Don’t get me started on this to much, but it can be mounted from a satalite as well, talk about having an somthing like a bad SPF 80 day,
    you can hold an entire reagion hostage if you can hook it up to a nucler generator, you could run it for weeks at a time, but you would probably staralize all the plant life at least,

    Think about microwave popcorn, and crop circles.
    Crop circles are the proof of how well they can focus these things from a satalite, pinpoint precision, aliens my ass, faieries blah,
    we are doing it to our self and each other,
    the good christians on the right and left are “hypochrists”
    we’ve let them get away with lipservice to family values
    and pandering to ideals but not made them back it up,
    the military work for us,
    we must have really wanted these things,
    it only follows the golden rule

  8. site admin says:

    Didn’t I see this in a 1950’s science fiction film?

  9. TwelveTwo says:

    Let us say we have a nonlethal weapon that kills .01% of the time. Doesn’t sound like much. But if it is promoted as nonlethal, people will certainly use it where guns would be used with high risk of death. Perhaps more than simply those times because there is “no harm done”, the victim just feels a bit of pain, no problem. So this fear of death no longer lurks behind the trigger of peacekeeping weapon, so it is used often without fear, and at this point we may find ourselves with more inadvertant deaths by the hands of our peacekeepers than we did when they had lethal force. I don’t think taking these nonlethal weapons so readily will do much good at all, unless they are well studied.

  10. Teyecoon says:

    Now “Dumbya” has a weapon to control all those freedom loving liberals when they get out of hand. Maybe he’ll use it to stop the riots that are caused when he refuses to leave office at the end of his term that he declares is necessary for national security.

    Now, the government doesn’t have to compromise with protesters anymore since they can just fry them on the spot. So, do you have any problems with the U.S. government’s newly implemented policies? I thought not!

  11. wd wilson says:

    From a purely technical perspective, what if you wrapped yourself in aluminum foil ? wouldn’t that reflect the R.F. energy ? just wonderng.

  12. Pat says:

    I like the bill board idea. It could be used to recrute for the Army.

  13. Brit bloke says:

    just gies to show how sicko twisted & nazi the scumbag lowlife USA nation is

    worse than the nazi’s


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