— I ran into this interesting Q & A in an Indian journal. Worth a read.
Q: You have been talking about India being a hub for Stem Cell research. What should be done to achieve this?
A: India has mimicked U.S. policies%u2014research policies that are not dictated by science. The Church dictates American science policies. The Church is opposed to cloning, we call it bioethics, but it is nothing more than Christian beliefs disguised by extreme Christians, not even mainstream Christians. Christianity always had beliefs that were backward-looking. It opposes family planning, which is why the Bush administration has cut funds off for anybody whose supports family planning. This is silly.
But the Hindu religion has nothing against cloning. India must pursue its liberal policies instead of copying those of the U.S. and allow experiements in cloning, which would result in a huge business. In fact, then the best companies in the U.S. would move all their research to this country because of our liberal policies. If we did that, there is no doubting that the biotech, pharmaceutical and stem cell research could be worth $50 B in the next 10 years.
The rest of the world has recently (IMO) been ahead of the US.
The US however has the advatage that once they catch on they are capable of receiving far more funds then other countries.
Slow to catch on… But quick to take credit…
This is the direct result of using the bible to direct research – the rest of the world goes beyond you and then – whack – They eat you up.
How much would you all bet that if Jerry Fallwell or Pat Robertson had MS, or some other stem cell curable disease, that they’d be eat aborted babys for breakfast and smile.
We do not use the Bible to direct research. We use the Bible to derive our ethics. Ethics is what keeps scientists from doing those wonderful things like what Hitlers doctors did to the Jews.
Ethics must always rule over science. Without ethics, scientists have and will continue to do some horrific things.
I agree with savebyj.
My thoughts as reading the blurb were that Christian morals are only one voice in our ethics. Personally, I don’t agree with cloning human beings either. Mortal humans should not be allowed to create life.
Using stem cells for growing organs and researching hereditary diseases are not the same as cloning human beings though. Right now there are too many people suffering that might be helped by the research. There are far too few suitable donors to fill the need for organ transplants today. Maybe growing replacement organs from stem cells would alleviate the need to take anti-rejection drugs for life.
Just what we need more outsourced clones
More people have been killed, maimed and otherwise abused by “true” believers than unethical science anyday of the week and six times on Sunday.
But that being said – I take your point, and am forced to agree in the need for ethics in science. I just disagree it that all ethics flow from the christian bible.
My statement was very poorly worded. What I should have said is – thats the result of having bible thumping wachos like Fallwall and Robertson (and Bush and Delay) direct research.
Sound the alarm
Your point is very sound and I agree that ethics should not be controlled by one force. It is just as dangerous that religious fundys control research, as it is that commercial interests have all the say. Either extreme does not sit well with me.
Your point about Falwell or Robertson having MS is very well taken. It is so easy to pontiffy until you are faced with that predicament.
Hitler was a Xhristian.
Geez, someone mentioned Hitler!
WHile it’s debateable I found this citation to be good reading regarding his religion:
I thought Hitler was an atheist. Not that it matters. He was still a monster of his own making.
> Mortal humans should not be allowed to create life.
Why not?
Why shouldn’t we be allowed to strive for immortality?
What gives you the impression that God is so weak that He needs your help to achieve his needs? Don’t you think him capable enough?
Ethics have nothing to do with stem cell research. It is the stupidity of bible thumpers who are preventing stem cell research progress in US.