The Sith Sense — Uncensored reader Capeche mentioned this in a comment and I have to say, this is hilarious. You get to play an A.I. game with a virtual Darth Vader who constantly insults you. Har.

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    Well, it started to insult me, but I didn’t fall prey to the dark side. Obiwan taught me well, so the Force was strong. Therefore I won! Only by having feeble thoughts can you be defeated by the Dark Side!

  2. sam saunders says:

    Lie if you have to, around question 15 the Burger King comes in to advise Vader . Does Lucas need the money that much? However still V. funny

  3. Drew McNulty says:

    Ha! My weak mind was easily defeated. Actually it was that freaky Burger King dude that tipped him off.


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