I thought I’d start with this baffling post from last year Nobody has been able to uncover the exact location of this toilet. It’s obviously in Europe someplace.

Original July 16, 2004 Post:

I just got these two pics today. An interesting example of “art.” I’m reminded of a restroom in a bar at the top of the Peninsula hotel in Hong Kong – –the Felix , desinged by the ubiquitous Philippe Starck who is known for making weird men’s rooms like the waterfall urinal in New York’s Royalton. At the Felix the urinals are indents in a clear glass two foot thick clear wall overlooking Hong Kong. You are literally peeing on the city from your perspective. Very strange. The wash basin, as I recall is a stone and even finding the bathroom is a chore. Anyway, this weird cube in Switzerland (I’d like to get that verified) has to be very unsettling to use. It’s composed of a one way mirror so you can see out and nobody can see in.

from outside
from the outside looking in..
from inside
what you’d see from inside!

  1. Mike Voice says:

    “Unsettling” indeed.

    I hate to think of what the jerks and kooks would do – if these ever became widespread. Which is probably why they won’t become widespread.

    Can you imagine a stranger standing right-outside, staring intently, while you’re trying to “use the facilities”. It doesn’t matter that you know they can’t see in – it would still be creepy.

    That said: my inner-jerk immediately thought how funny it would be to do the following: Wait for someone to enter, give them a few seconds, then run-up outside the booth with a camera/camcorder – and start taking pictures.


  2. John C. Dvorak says:

    I thought about this idea too. I think just being outside and pointing in and laughing would unsettle someone too. I also think the one thing that will get these things removed are the couples who will use them for weird kinky public sex by going inside and making out as a cheap thrill.

  3. Rick says:

    What about the people who would go inside to have fun while watching people on the outside? So you may be outside trying to make them uncomfortable when in reality you could be entertaining them. ;-))

  4. Rick says:

    What about the people who would go inside to have fun while watching people on the outside? So you may be outside trying to make them uncomfortable when in reality you could be entertaining them. ;-))

  5. Tom says:

    Quite a colon clincher. Great cure for the runs.

  6. Where in Switzerland is this supposed to be? If it’s not too far from where I live (Lausanne), I can go and make sure for you 😉

  7. Why is this unsettling? Do you have a problem with going to the toilet? I find the idea interesting just because its different.

    Why is going to the toilet wrong? Only because of the health implications do we regard it as being something we do in private.

  8. John Schumann says:

    At least they have restrooms. In my city only businesses have them unless there’s a big event, and then the city sets up a bunch of stinking porta-potties.; no glass, no class.

  9. I want to try it!

    Rethinking the Definition of Privacy – 2004 Repost classic [Dvorak Uncensored]
    I find the idea of a real public toilet interesting. It would make a good observation point to watch the world go by.

  10. Miguel Lopes says:

    Would be cool to have sex inside 😀 HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Luís Camacho says:

    I can think in at least 11 dirty things to do inside it while staring at people outside………. O.o

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Don’t those one-way mirrors stop working at night? That’s the way the windows on our house work, anyway.

    Still, I think this toilet is really cool. I’d MAKE myself pee just to try it (in the day at least).

    Probably the strangest pee’ing situation for me are the unisex toilets in Japan. (20 years ago, anyway)

    It’s not the unisex part that was so interesting… it was the social politeness that made it possible. Who needs separate facilities when everyone respects each others privacy? Keep your eyses to yourself. Mind your own business, etc.

    I got used to pee’ing with STRANGERS but never got used to pee’ing with female friends or students of mine.

  13. John Schumann says:

    That toilet was part of a London art exibit. There is a prison motif. Maybe it was moved around in Europe, which would explain rumours of sightings as distant as Switzerland.

  14. Pat says:

    I would probably have a hang up and couldn’t go.

  15. Warren Pattison says:

    Believe it or not, that toilet is right here in downtown Houston, Texas. See, we aren’t as “bass-ackwards” as most people think we are. 🙂

  16. THere might be a toilet like this — but this picture is a photo-shop special. Look at the white ‘jaggies’ along the top and down the edges of the ‘mirror’ — someone has carelessly glued a couple of photos together.

    The picture would be more believable if it had been made at 4x resolution, and then reduced to hide the jaggies in the aliasing.

  17. …also, why isn’t the girl visible in the ‘mirror’ed door? This ‘photo’ is a fake.

  18. Moral Volcano says:

    The lad’s reflection is on the left edge of the front (start from the door handle). The story is true. It was in Rueters’ Oddly Enough section some day.

  19. AB CD says:

    Can’t you see thru a one-way mirror if you’re right up next to it?

  20. Investigating

    “There is some background noise here ” said President Bush recently as special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s concluded investigation.

  21. Bob Seeley says:

    Awsome idea regardless of what goes on in there!! Interesting twist on an old subject!!!

  22. Bobbie says:

    This is hillarious!

  23. Yvonne says:

    Check out this web link:

    It’s to a urban legend/myth buster type of website and it talks about the origin, location and reason behind this “see-through loo”

    The concept of how we react to “seeing but not being seen” was put to the test by 38-year-old architectural artist Monica Bonvicini in December 2003, when her work entitled “Don’t Miss A Sec” was installed at a construction site (the future home of the Chelsea College of Art and Design) across the road from London’s Tate Britain museum. (The same work was also displayed at an art exhibition in Basel, Switzerland, in June 2004.) Bonvicini’s creation is a public toilet enclosed within reflective glass walls that allow the user to see out but prevent those outside from seeing in, an exhibit that challenges whether we can adapt to the idea of being able to view others passing in close proximity to us while we engage in an activity which we don’t want them to view — even when we know full well that they can’t possibly see us

  24. Rick Sheffield says:

    Check out the link below for the real story on this facility.

  25. TAT says:

    GREAT ! I just luv it. VERY CREATIVE , love its originality !
    I “GOTTA GO” to Housten, Texas just to see it.

  26. Geir Ove Langlo says:

    Cool toilet …we are building a simular toilet in Oslo Norway.

    Can you help me to find out the glass/mirror you are using for this consept.

    Besdt regard
    Oslo Lysdesign AS
    Geir Ove Langlo

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