This month marks the one year anniversary of the Dvorak Uncensored blog. With over 2000 posts and nearly 10,000 comments the blog has actually generated about 1.5 million homepage views over the year, which isn’t a bad start. This coming year I expect to add some discussion forums and continue redesign experiments.

Over the 4th of July Holiday I’m going to repost some Uncensored classics that many of you may not have seen.

Thanks for all your help and support.

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    Rock on, John!

  2. You should offer free Dvorak Uncensored logo tee shirts to the first 30 people who leave a comment here under this post. I’ll take black, XL, please.

    Many bloggers don’t last an entire year.

    The next few years should be easier, more restricted, less tranpiring, globalucent blogging to the burgeoning audi-essential-ence.

    Happy One Y(ear) Anniversary and just point me to the cake and coffee.

    Do you have Kahlua Cappacino Shakes. That’s what all the hipsters in Peoria are drinking, and 55 pet poetry fans can’t be wrong.

  3. leonardo says:

    Good blog with interesting stories, Happy Birthday.

  4. Bildo says:

    I still have a dufflebag full of your PC Mag stuff.

  5. Miguel Lopes says:

    Happy birthday! Keep’em coming!

  6. Luís Camacho says:

    Great thing Jonh, Happy birthday!

  7. K B says:

    You can put my champagne in a Mug, thankyevedimuch.

    I haven’t used the “M” word for a while.. 😉

  8. Imafish says:

    So john, do you actually make money on this site? With all the work you put in here I sure hope you do.

  9. Kathy P says:

    Congratulations! Keep it coming. It’s hard to write or even post something every day for a year!

  10. Alan says:

    Just because I don’t post very often dosn’t mean I don’t check in every day. Sometimes several times a day. Thanks John.


  11. Ken Prezkop says:

    Congrats John!!! Your site is awesome. Forums here will kick ass.

  12. the tracer says:

    Thanx for all your fine work, John.

    It is always a pleasure and informative to stop by and see what you have found.

    Keep up the good work!

  13. Love Uncensored… never miss a day. Many happy returns…

  14. Pat says:

    John, thank you for your blog.

    May your energy, brilliance, vitriol, libertarian view, technological insight, and pen (ok, keyboard) continue for many more years.

    And thank you for all those that have posted. I have read some amazing ideas and comments. And thank you for the posts that have influenced my own outlook.

  15. Steve Gerber says:

    Been following “Uncensored” for the past few months and your writing ‘way back to the InfoWorld days.

    Congratulations on the anniversary.

    Oh — and I hope you’ll continue your ongoing review of WordPress (in the blog itself, if you want). I was learning a lot from it.

  16. Ethan Bearman says:

    As always, thanks John!

  17. K. Zuke says:

    Keep up the good work! Great daily read, always good for a laugh. I still miss seeing your show on the old ZDTV…


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