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Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Muslim Hard-Liners Cheer Iran Vote Outcome — Did we really expect them to elect Al Gore?

In Washington, White House spokeswoman Maria Tamburri said Saturday the United States was concerned about the fairness of the elections.

“We strongly support free and fair elections through which the Iranian people can express their will,” Tamburri said. “We have expressed our clear concerns about the recent elections where over 1,000 candidates were disqualified from running, and there were many allegations of election fraud and interference.

Hmm, the way Nader was kept off some ballots and the voting machines with no audit trail installed everywhere, I don’t think we should be pointing fingers. They also had a bigger turnout than we had.

That said, some dissidents think that many of the numbers are cooked-up. I’d advise reading the oppositions in exile reports found in NetItan here. While the publication has not yet reported onthese elections, there is this interesting article that ran on the 21st.

“Alarm Bells” is the main headline of the reformist newspaper Iqbal, which was shut down by the authorities along with three others.
The military-security forces which are rapidly moving to establish fascism in Iran, launched another attack on Saturday night. While the Iranian press was preparing to publish Mehdi Karoubi’s protest letter regarding last week’s presidential elections, right-wing Tehran prosecutor Saeed Mortezavi’s agents shut down four liberal newspapers Iqbal, Etemad, Aftabe Yazd, and, Hayate No.

  1. Teyecoon says:

    I was thinking the same thing as I began to read this. It is so hypocritical that our government might question the validity of someone elses’s elections considering how pathetically ours are run especially in our modern society. If your not Republican or Democrat here, you hardly get any real fair attention just as they disqualified many of their initial candidates so how can they complain about that?

  2. AB CD says:

    The bigger turnout is what the Iranian authorities reported. Many other people think turnout was just 10%.

  3. site admin says:

    10-percent seems a little far-fetched.

  4. James Hill says:

    Just because Gore lost is no reason to get pissy about elections.

    And yes, that’s the only reason comments like that are made.

    James Hill

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Just because Gore lost…

    Gore did not lose.


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