Fjordman: Is Swedish Democracy Collapsing? — This post, from one of the top European bloggers is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the dynamics of radical Islam. Apparently the Swedes are bending over backwards to accomodate the muslim immigrants, but it just gets worse. Now they want to bomb the Swedes for various perceived offenses. The Swedes, in some schools, are now teaching Arabic as the primary language. Fascinating report.

short excerpt:

The threats against Sweden should serve as a lesson to those who still claim that Islamic terrorism is caused by “Israeli aggression” or “American foreign policy”. Sweden, a retirement home for foreign war criminals and reputedly where Iraqi ex-dictator Saddam Hussein wants to spend his last years, doesn’t have a colonial past. Yet it is probably the most pathetic dhimmi nation in the Western world, even if facing some stiff competition for the title. It subsidizes Palestinian terror conferences at a time when anti-Jewish harassment by Muslims is so bad that Swedish Jews sign up for service in the IDF to escape. IKEA, one of its largest companies, censors its own manuals in order not to offend Muslims. A Swedish court recently judged according to sharia. I have earlier read suggestions by a columnist in Sweden’s largest newspaper, Aftonbladet, that Sweden should change its national anthem into “something multicultural”. Two Swedish girls were also sent home from school for wearing sweaters showing a tiny Swedish flag. The headmaster was concerned that this might be deemed offensive by some immigrants

  1. Gershon Schwartz says:

    I read the link and while it seems to be greatly exagerated if you read between the lines you can see that Sweeden is experiencing some problems . I beleive that Denmark and Norway are having similar problems and in the meantime the only country in Europe that has stood up to the traditional Muslim hatred of foreign cultures beleive it or not is France , and I guess thats because the French felt that their culture was threatened . To tell you the truth I really don’t see this situation getting any better only worse and thus I think that the US , Israel and other freedom loving countries are in for a rough ride in the next twenty years or so. If you think its bad now wait and see whats ahead. If We don’t stand up and fight now it may ne too late later on.

    God Bless America!

  2. Mike Voice says:

    Thanks John, for some good reading and links, and there was another interesting comment I liked:

    At May 11, 2005 5:22 AM, Anonymous said…
    “So the Swedish state paying for educating Swedish citizens on Swedish ground in Arabic is somehow supposed to increase integration.”

    If you subsititute “United States”
    for “Swedish state” and “Spanish”
    for “Arabic” in the quote above, it
    looks like the US has the same
    problem as Sweden. There’s not a
    lot of integration, no matter what
    the open borders crowd says. In
    fact, the open borders crowd thinks
    assimilation is contrary to the PC
    concept of “diversity.”

  3. Ed Campbell says:

    John, you should check up on some of the stuff we all submit, especially if it looks too unreal.

    I picked the bit about Swedish schools teaching in Arabic to Google — and it’s not unlike the approach to bi-lingualism used in most nations — where immigrant parents are illiterate in their native language.

    A small number of schools — in one city — propose teaching Arabic to students whose families speak only Arabic; but, are illiterate. The premise being that once the kids are literate in their family’s language, they can then be taught Swedish.

    Good, bad or indifferent, it’s no big deal.

    I’m not going to take the time to check out your source’s other claims.

  4. g quaglia says:

    This could happen in this country if certain, ultra liberal types have their ways. You can already see some of this at some US colleges. Blame the aging pot smoking, hippie
    baby boomers who seem to be running things now.

  5. site admin says:

    Ed, this post was made because a number of rad-mus groups have been threatening to bomb Sweden over some slight and this post came up. I was personally just in Sweden a few weeks back and agree with your generalities. But during the visit it was odd to me, and never fully explained, why there was so many negative remarks about Malmo. One person said it “was not Sweden.” This sort of comment was so common that It was actually something I noticed. So you are saying that this whole post is bogus and these are all lies. There are zero problems in Sweden regarding the immigrants and they are blending in to the culture with no inicents? The schools haven’t been toched by punks? Or what are you saying? Where are you from?

  6. AB CD says:

    Eduardo, do you think Sweden will continue to have as much liberty if they continue to operate in this way. How much liberty do you see in the Muslim world? If all these Muslims are essentially forming a segregated culture, which way are they likely to vote?

  7. AB CD says:

    Yes, but do you expect things to stay that way? My understainding was that they have already started rolling back their welfare states. If there are no guns, how do they expect to prevent radical Islamics from taking over? How do those liberties stay in place? Culture matters, and while there are many Muslim countries that do ok, they tend to be far away form the Middle East, and even they have problems with radical Muslims funded by Iran and Sauds.

  8. LAKSHMAN says:

    Hi ,
    You folks made a mistake in letting these people in.The Germans started it stupidly with their gastarbeiter stuff.Only way you can save yourselves as well as all other freedom loving peoples of the world is by sending them back to their original lands.!’. We regard the Swedish/Nordics as the most advanced civilization on earth..God bless you all in your endeavour.
    I am a Hindu in India-we have been badly bruised by them for 700 years but surviving and stronger!!

  9. ik says:

    Thanks for having the courage to post this – most people are too concerned about others sensitivities – I am from India – Sweden is nothing – come to India – we will show you the future of any country which has a large muslim minority. Sweden still has several decades to go before they end up like India – totally screwed up

  10. AB CD says:

    Muslim radicalism may become a problem , but India’s current problems have nothing to do with Muslims. The last several governments have been moving things in a better direction, with the economy growing rapidly. Taxes are actually lower there than in the US.

  11. Bob White says:

    All countries of Europe need to immediately stop all immigration of Islamics before they come even closer to losing their countries and cultures.

    Islam’s goal is to conquer and rule the world with it’s psychotic Koranic (Sharia) law and it’s murderous cult of the false moon-“god” Allah.

    Bob White

  12. Olle says:


    the country you talk about only exists in your dreams. I am a Swede (not suede!!) by birth and spent 30 years in that country until I emigrated to the USA. The truth is that while the original article is quite biased, it is largely correct. The Swedish freedom of spech has, contrary to your belief, eroded over the last 30 years to the point that several cultural masterpieces (e.g. Nabokovs Lolita, Wells Birth of a Nation) would have been awarded with a prison sentence if produced in todays Sweden.

    Everyone knows that the Swedish taxes are the highest in the world, but contrary to what liberal americans believe, only a faction of them goes to matters such as public schooling and healthcare. The lion part is needed to support the 30% of the workforce that has choosen not to work and live of the system instead.

    As for immigration issues, Sweden must be one of the most unsuccessful countries in the world, only beaten by France. I am dead serious when I say that once the middle-eastern diaspora reaches critical mass (with 2 generations), there is a real chance of civil war. Since I am an immigrant myself I believe that I have a good understanding of the american naturalization process and all I can say is that European countries such as Sweden and France has a lot to learn. My only fear is that it is too late.

  13. Mats says:

    Well Euardo and others who think they know anything about Sweden. I´ll believe this “debate” might be a little bit out of date while I´m writing. I´m a Swede some and some of what is said is true and some isn´t. Well as everyone know these days Sadam never came to Sweden and I strongly doubt that it would have been possible. About langue and education it´s true wherever you come from, america, russia, thailand or whatever the principal is that you should have the right to your own mother tounge. Today because of the US and to some degree British trops in iraq, there have been and stil are coming a lot of refugees to sweden from iraq, espicaly to where the place where I live and I don´t like that at all. So why don´t americans take care of your own mess insted of making a small country like Sweden take care of it . So the way I conceive it Bush is a big ashole.


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