Oh..you may want to glance at the comments in the Fjordman post mentioned below. The gem in there aas this Anonymous post I thought was quite amusing.

After failing to euthanize themselves using communism, fascism, nazism and socialism the Europeans have finally settled on a toxic concoction of multiculturalism and radical islam to end their misery. A veritable Do Not Resuscitate Order in the form of Political Correctness will ensure that nobody can seriously talk about an antidote let alone develop one. And just to show that they’re serious this time, that this is no cry for help, they’ve even convinced their only credible ally to ingest a possibly fatal dose of the poison as well.

Europe set it’s sail set for self-destruction at least a hundred years ago. The final vista is just over the horizon.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Of course everything is a cycle and this situation can change with one depression, a crop-failure, a pandemic. That’s what usually ends up resetting the board.

  1. Don says:

    This is so true. Radical Islam is as repugnant as any political movement the world has ever seen. Yet since it masks itself as a religion, the world not only tolerates it, but accommodates it. I don’t get it.

  2. Daver Lee Lewis says:

    It won’t be long until we all live ON a “third world” world. Death is the only thing that can save us now.

  3. AB CD says:

    Strange, you complain about the radical Islamic influence, but efforts made to attack it at its source, you criticize. A major factor in the Iraqi invasion and current occupation is the destabilization of regimes that underwrite the radicalism.

  4. The Tea Man says:

    “Europe set it’s sail set for self-destruction at least a hundred years ago. The final vista is just over the horizon.”

    Its, not It’s.

    Quite possibly, but the US will collapse first from its energy dependence, the inadequacy of its education system, and obesity. At least Europeans aren’t so fucking fat that they can’t pull their own pants up. And the US has further to fall.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    At least Europeans aren’t so fucking fat that they can’t pull their own pants up.

    Reminds me of the recently posted thong comparison, between Europe and US. 🙂

  6. Pat says:

    Tea Man

    I agree with your point. Maybe the road looks a little rocky for Europe at the moment, but it sure looks like they are interested in improvement. The U.S. appears to be more interested in self-destruction. The various European institutions are bringing their peoples together. The American course is to divide into constituents.

  7. The Tea Man says:

    The clincher is that the US is a debtor nation and 70 per cent of the world’s total savings are being lent to it by “foreigners”. So it’s at the mercy of the Chinese and Asian lenders.

    The British found this out after WW2: if you don’t make anything, you’re not worth anything, and services and “knowledge economy” (ha ha) jobs don’t fill the gap left when your manufacturing base disappears.

    Europe shares a lot of these problems as the US. Some are even worse. For example, the low population growth in Europe means a dwindling workforce, so there’s nobody to pay for the welfare state.

    The US doesn’t have this particular problem because it can easily accomodate immigrant workers from Latin America.

    No, wait! Mr Dvorak says it can’t happen. OK, back to square one… 🙁

    Milk and one sugar please,

    The Tea Man

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    You’re also forgetting the Fundamentalist Christians in the US wich are also as damaging as the Islam version.

  9. AB CD says:

    Why is energy dependence a problem? Energy independence just means higher prices. It is cheaper for the Middle East to draw oil from their wells than for the US here, so we take from them. Our native supply is quite large, but it is not efficient to use only that supply. It is better to send oil to Japan from Alaska and get out oil elsewhere.

  10. AB CD says:

    All the more reason for energy dependence. That means more supplies here at home that stays in the ground.

  11. Vilas King says:

    No…Actually just the opposite AB CD. All the more reason for energy IN-dependance and energy conservation. Remove ourselves from the yolk of non-renewable resources. America is big enough with enough natural resources to replace the petro-chem industry with a self-sustaining growth ecconomy based on : wind, solar, geo-thermal and bio produced energy sources. The problem being that we’d rather be sold a bill of useless, and less usefull, goods that will not only bankrupt the American ecconomy but morals also as we continue to move to ‘protect out national interests.’ Even though they are actually the interrests of corporate America not public America. The big companies know that when things get bad enough they’ll start whipping out, on a limited basis, dual-fuel vehichles and increase renewable energy sources and market them at a premium price and continue to force poorer people and communities to use the current types of energy and get richer and richer in the process. It’s a no-lose situation for them once again. [Kinda like giving campaign contributions to both side of the political spectrum – no matter who wins an election they’re beholden to the $$ slid in their pocket]

  12. Vilas King says:

    p.s. I realize why the above graphic was used for the issue [as it is dealing with Europe and all] and that most probably won’t know where it came from, but I can’t help wondering if you got permission from the Grateful Dead organization to use it? It is the image from the Europe ’72 live album cover. Just wondering.


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