My Way News
— I hate to revist this whole thing, but now this info makes the fuss even more ridiculous. I only run this because of all the people who kept saying she was there looking fondly at the visitors. Turned out she couldn;t see anything. Poor woman.

“This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons,” said Pinellas-Pasco County Medical Examiner Dr. Jon Thogmartin, who led the autopsy team. He also said she was blind, because the “vision centers of her brain were dead.”

  1. Roland Marty says:

    The results of the autopsy simply serve to underline what was obvious to anyone who did have a fully functioning brain.

  2. K B says:

    And let’s not forget the 12th-hour claims of “a miracle, so help me God….”
    Gotta love science.

    You shouldn’t apologize for posting this. People need to review the claims– AND THE VIDEO CLIPS REPEATED AD INFINITUM– and compare what they heard and saw then with what forensic science tells us now. Then they need to prepare to vote a lot of Palm Sunday Politicians out of office.

    “Poor woman” says it all.

  3. Sound the alarm says:

    May she, her husband, family and friends find peace.

    AND may dubya, Pat Robertson and Frist come to know the true meaning of karma .

  4. gregallen says:

    After the way the “Culture of Life” demagogue this issue, you really NEED to run a reminder.

    I am “pro life” but it has always been pretty clear that this poor woman was dead.

    But that was never my personal objection… I think this should have been a private decision between her husband and her doctor. Not the Florida “pro life” lobby or even George Bush!

    It was the height of cruel cynical absurdity that the Republicans subpoenaed her to testify! Can you imagine the spectacle had they wheeled her before Congress!?!?

  5. Frank Baird says:

    Hind sight is 20/20. The furor was over the fact that her husband refused to do the tests necessary to really know if she was brain dead or not before pulling the plug. He allowed a CT scan but not an MRI or any other tests. He didn’t do due diligence. Wouldn’t you want to know the full story before you pulled the plug on someone? I sure would.

    Now we know after the fact that it was the right thing to do. That doesn’t mean it was the right thing to do then. There should have been more information gathering, as in the usual set of tests one does to determine this sort of thing. That wasn’t done and it should have been.

  6. AB CD says:

    The subpoena was to get the feeding tube reinserted while the case was in court. The main issue that didn’t get mentioned often enough was that the man was living with an another woman who had two children so it’s clear he had a motive against full treatment. It appeared that he was killing his wife. He said this was what she wished, but he only said that after he got the money for treatment. Why didn’t he skip the initial attempts at treatment? Neurologists say you can’t diagnose a persistent vegetative state from an autopsy, but if the conclusions are to be believed, then the money that the husband won in court is fraudulent as there was no eating disorder. The end result is that after winning the money intended for her treatment, he tried to end treatment and keep all the money. The parents’ legal case meant the money went to his lawyers instead, and now there is very little of his ill-gotten gains left.

  7. Ed Campbell says:

    Pretty good, so far, John. Only one cop-out out of five. Better than I’d expect. You must attract a more literate and objective crowd.

    I wonder if the science-and-reality-challenged bots have discovered your posting, though. Every time someone tells me I’m indulging in a conspiracy fugue, I always suggest they post something anti-NRA on their website — and, then, stand aside.

    In a lot of ways, I guess the contrived furor over this woman who could have no perception whatsoever of it all — reflects, once again, the incompetence of the “news as entertainment” crowd. Add to that the fact that the religious Right’s hold on the balls of the Republikan Party requires anyone pretending to conservatism to gleefully support governmental intervention in the lives of caring married folks.

    More than a little different from the traditional North American flavor of conservatism I grew up in. Dissent was tolerable. Interference in your daily life by Church and/or government was classified as acceptable only for lower life forms, like Congress and other lawyers.

  8. Sound the alarm says:

    “He didn’t do due diligence”

    That is not true. All “due dilligence” had to be done to get the court order in the first place.

    You’re just repeating FOX News bull. When she was in the care of the court appointed lawyer for four months the court ordered MRI and the other test be run those exact tests. Plus the husband had those same tests done when the case was presented. ALSO its SOP during the evaluation process when she was in the rehab hospital to do those same tests.

    My mother was in the same place as Terri and we did the same things in hope of bringing her “back”, so I know what i’m talking about.

  9. Pat says:


    Please quit with the denial. During all the litigation the courts were convinced that the woman was indeed brain dead. Those on the “in denial” side exploited her condition for their own political gains. They edited over 80 hours of recording for the few seconds seen over and over on television.

    At the same time as Bush was returning from his ranch to sign the law, in Texas the courts allowed a hospital to remove life support from a baby the hospital deemed not to have any chance at life. The parents desperately fought the order but couldn’t finance the cost. Where were all the right to lifers on that case. Oh ya, it was Bush that signed into law the right of hospital to remove life support from patients they deemed had no hope of surviving. He never had a word to say to that family.

    Tom Delay participated in the decision of his own family to remove life support from HIS OWN FATHER, after an accident. Bill Frist made a medical evaluation based on a few seconds of a video recording, ignoring the vast amount of examination made by physicians that had actually examined Shiavo.

    Hind sight will almost always give a better picture, but in this case there had been enough evidence to make a reasonable decision. While there are many tests that could have been done, including doing some exploratory surgery by opening her skull to peek inside, the expert opinion of the legitimate medical community was made. There were no tests that could have satisfied the rabid demands of her parents and the rabble supporting them.

    Can you point out just one case where so much furor has been made for one person WHO DID NOT WISH TO BE KEPT ALIVE LIKE THAT. This case was the height of hypocrisy by the entire “Right to Life” community. In doing so, they have lost much of their support among mainstream Americans.

  10. site admin says:

    Ed, I actually encourage the nutball posts, so I’m disappointed in this low-turn out of nutballs. I think I’m losing them in the audience. Not sure what to do. Too many reasonable people on here.

    Some new right versus left situation will emerge. For some reason the Downing Street stuff has not caught the public’s fancy.I think the public is resigned to being “suckered.” I thought that could be good, but nothing.

  11. Sound the alarm says:

    Hey! I have a great idea – lets pull the plug on Tom Delay and Bill Frist!

    I mean they HAVE most definitively been demonstrated as brain dead. Heck duhbya was born that way.

  12. Ed Campbell says:

    Let’s see what happens with the Downing St. memo, today. The satellite and cable newsies covered Conyers’ hearing, yesterday. and he brought a petition demanding some honesty with over 500,000 signatures on it to the White House at the end of the day. Not that the dolt inside paid heed.

    We really must credit bloggers and folks on the Web who pay attention — as you said — for getting this one some air time.

    Meanwhile, the supermarket churches continue to march backwards through the course of history.

  13. Pat says:

    Site admin

    I think there is a low turnout of nut cases on this issue because the majority of Americans supported Terri’s wishes and believed the prognosis accepted by the court(s). The far right is eating crow over this latest development. I do hand it to you, this topic has created some strong debate and feelings over the last few months.

  14. AB CD says:

    Pat, Bill Frist didn’t make a diagnosis from a video. He was repeating what a neurologist had told him, and that guy was going off more than a video.

  15. AB CD says:

    As you say, this level of damage isn’t that unusual. So why did this case make it to the front page instead of others? The parents weren’t particularly politically connected or publicity-capable, and Terri wasn’t in any better shape than others. Florida law wasn’t more helpful, and the legislature wasn’t more interventionist than other states. The reason I see is that the circumstances of the husband’s being all but married to someone else convinced a number of people to get involved.

  16. Pat says:

    I said Frist made a medical evaluation; I did not say it was a diagnosis. Second, the neurologist that spoke to Frist had not examined Terri Shaivo either. He had only observed her for a few minutes, from a distance, as he did not have permission to examine her.

    Now the quote of what Frist actually said on the floor of the Senate, copied from the National Review, as written.


    The law was clear in all of these cases. As the husband, Michael Shaivo had all rights as the guardian to make all the medical decisions. This conclusion was affirmed in every court that looked at the case.

    Why did this case make such headlines and not the Texas Baby case? It was simply because Terri Shaivo was a young white woman and the Texas Baby was black. People are killed and abducted everyday in this country. We have seen how much attention has been given to people like Terri Shaivo, Elizabeth Smart, Jon Benet Ramsey, Natalee Holloway, and even a runaway Bride. They are all white, young women or girls. Can you name just one older black person who has disappeared and gotten such nation wide attention?

  17. meetsy says:

    AB CD
    So, I guess, since you KNOW IT ALL…you can tell us how you know all these things about Terri and what her husband was up to…because you know them, first hand? They’re your friends, right? You’re related to them? Oh wait…you don’t know them personally, right? So, tell me, what gives?
    Tell me how do you KNOW THIS STUFF? Did you read it in the newspaper, hear it on TV, listen to someone right wind talk show radio ? So, what you KNOW is second-hand, at best, but more likely third, fourth, fifth…..or, perhaps, a totally made up distortion of the real “facts”. You gulped down the pablum that was fed to you, and you ate it without even tasting it to figure out if it was. Heck, you don’t know if it was honey or horse poop. That’s the problem… was a bunch of distortions played out in the media…about a real as the reality shows on Fox.
    You are not in any place to KNOW, only project and assume. RIght? Come on, fess up. You don’t know any of this first hand, do you?
    Please take this into account when you start spouting off about this stuff.
    What you claim to “know” is what one side or the other promoted. (…and, if you hang out in courtrooms long enough…the truth is always somewhere in the MIDDLE, never on one side or the other. )
    So, perhaps you are projecting from some personal situation that had similar issues. Did YOUR wife fall ill, and slip into a coma for….a decade and a half? Did YOUR inlaws fight you tooth and nail? Did you have the agony of being in grief limbo?
    You are a bystander here…..just as I am. I can’t take sides. All I can say…is if it’s ME, put me down. If it’s my daughter, son, husband, mother, father…..let me make the decision that I feel is BEST for them — given the situation at the time. It’s a personal decision…not a public one. It sure as HELL isn’t a government issue. It’s about my personal spiritual and moral beliefs…and how I interpret them. Not, yours, not Jeb’s not some politico’s looking to make points to get re-elected next election.
    Have you ever had a loved one hanging between life and death? Have you? Seems to me you must not have, or you’d understand that the pontificating you are doing is so inhumane it’s unreal. It’s not your judgement to make, don’t you get that? It was a matter for the family members, and then the court…..that’s it.
    This was a terrible misuse of the press, of the political arena, and of individual chatter. Give the family, the husband, the poor woman some dignity, and quit hashing this out. It’s invasive, and inhuman. Let it rest. Find other things to stick your nose into.

  18. meetsy says:

    There may not be any more to it than that. How sad it is….that the media will put all the focus on whites, and ignore anyone else. I find it sad.
    Right now, in Berkeley, a black girl is missing (from what I read on fliers on telephone poles) and there hasn’t been ONE news report on it.
    I have to agree with you, as sad as that makes me.

  19. K B says:

    “I’m disappointed in this low-turn out of nutballs. I think I’m losing them in the audience. Not sure what to do.” — JCD

    I just checked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Endangered Species list, and I found no shortage of nutballs inhabiting 🙂

    P.S. Would it be efficacious for you to write a column for the Weekly World News? Might attract some attention.
    Latest Headline: Nazi UFOs To Attack U.S.
    ( I confess: I just love the crap out of WWN.)

  20. AB CD says:

    Meetsy, of course I don’t know that these are facts, but the appearance was there, and that’s why this case showed up instead of others. The basic problem is that it looks like someone using the law to kill his wife, and approximately half the country or more didn’t seem to care. You say put you down, let you make the decision if it’s a family member. However, in thsi case, it’s not clear that she ever made such a decision. After getting some money for treatment in a lawsuit, the husband then says, his wife never wanted treatment in such a condition, and the courts decided to take his word for it and let him kill his wife.

  21. AB CD says:

    Pat, I’m not sure how you differentiate between diagnosis and medical evaluation, but take a look at the full Frist speech. He has clearly talked to other neurologists, and the video is not the sole basis for saying not a vegetative state. He does use that as additional evidence, but he is doing a good job of explaining things as he saw them at the time. I still say that the underlying facts and allegations are why this case came forward, but Frist’s speech is a strong case by itself.

  22. Sound the alarm says:

    Thanks meetsy – saves me a long post.

    AB CD – Do you get your news from FOX or that jackass Pat Robertson?

    Both lied about the facts and Michael Shaivo – and both should be sue to the high heavens.

    But wait – I think the republicans are passing a new law that states neo cons and their operatives can slander anyone – but being a “liberal” is a gitmo crime.

    impeach Bush!

  23. meetsy says:

    Did it ever occur to you that the REASON the media was focusing on THIS issue, was because it was EASY. There were people willing to make noise, because the microphone was in their face. (Hmmm, politicians have a TENDENCY to do that, you know? Of course, it makes me wonder what the motive was of the parents…reminded me of “munchausen by proxy”. They were just a little TOO media happy.) But, the point is: WE have phony news….to keep the news people from doing any real work, and to keep the masses occupied. It’s making us stupid.
    Other stories: there WAS a baby boy in Texas who had his lifeline pulled…because the Mom had no insurance. He had lungs too small to keep him alive off the respirator. He was NOT brain dead, just needed more air. No money for a lung transplant. Mom couldn’t afford to buy a respirator to keep him at home. The Texas law…(signed by Bush, when gov) said “no money, pull the plug.”
    In all fact, there WERE probably hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of people who made decisions to pull the plug on loved ones during the time the Teri thing was in the news. Seriously. People die every day. People have all extreme measures stopped…..people are declared brain dead. People have feeding tubes, and respirators shut down/yanked out.. There was NOTHING particularly interesting about Terri. Seriously.
    Well, except she was white, young, and her parents and husband were at odds. But, as for a cause…and as for going on-and-on about WHAT the hubby may or may NOT have been doing is just moronic.
    Terri wasn’t going anywhere else. I know of a lot of husbands who step out..without any wife in a coma. Heck, I’d bet, if you were young, alone, and facing that kind of pressure and grief…you’d find some comfort in the arms of another, as well. He was only human. There are worse things….much worse. In fact, would you WANT your partner to wait around, forever, for you? I wouldn’t. What else could he do…you cannot divorce someone who is in a coma, you know?
    Plus he didn’t mudsling like the parents. You’re taking the side of the more vocal of the two parties.
    The fact that her parents are unable to come to terms with grief and loss…and want to blame and avoid is sad. But we don’t do death too well in this society. We’re pathetic when it comes to honoring DEATH. But, ask yourself, what kind of parents WANT their child to linger on, at all costs? What kind of parents can only think of themselves in a situation like this? How could you sit and watch your child waste away? How well do you think they really KNEW her, anyway? They wouldn’t even acknowledge her eating problem….(losing 100lbs in a year, can’t be much of anything else….it’s a tad “rapid”). Somehow…I think they didn’t pay that much attention to her when she was ALIVE. They protest too much, and they still won’t give it up. I don’t think they are very nice people.
    Think! Think about this…. don’t listen to the words, think about the actions. You have a mind, so use it. Seriously, look at the actions. Look at the media circus. You don’t live in a bubble (I hope)…go out, look around, go to a nursing home…visit some of these coma patients. Get a feel for the situation. Thinking is a very good thing to do.
    Okay, so let’s say, a miracle, after a 15 year coma…..what sort of quality of life do you think she was going to have? Look at Sarah Scantlin….she did “recover” from a coma. One out of a million. But, she STILL can’t sit upright for 5 minutes. Her muscles have wasted away to the point that it will take YEARS of physical therapy to regain any significant abilities. Just everyday tasks (holding a telephone, trying to eat) cause her pain, frustration, and suffering. She was “lucky”. Forgive me, but I don’t think life is worth living at any cost.
    I don’t know….the whole thing should NOT have been in the media eye. I’m suspicious as to why it was. I find the whole thing as uninteresting as the Michael Jackson saga, or anything to do with Paris Hilton. It’s boring. It’s not news. It’s making us a country of idiots — do you really want to be among the moronic masses?.
    But, in general, it reminded me of that Bill Hicks joke: “if you want to be so pro-life, blockade the cemetary”. Evidently, that might be the plan.

  24. AB CD says:

    Frankly I didn’t use either of those sources, but I wonder which of these that I think to be facts are false:

    Michael Schiavo is living with a woman other than his wife. He has had two children with this woman, and refers to her as his fiancee.

    He collected over a million dollars in a lawsuit to pay for medical care.
    In this lawsuit he made no mention of his wife’s intention to not be treated in such a condition. He stopped treatment after getting the money. I don’t remember the time gap but I think it was a few months, putting in a do not resuscitate order as well.

    Many neurologists were giving an opinion that Terri Schiavo could be treated, and perhaps even be recovered.

    There is a difference between unconscious, brain-dead, and persistent vegetative state.

    Terri Schiavo never gave a clear verbal or written ‘living will’ that she was not to be treated if she was in a PVS.

  25. Frank Baird says:


    Mr. Dvorak’s site attracts my readership because, although I don’t always agree with him, he presents a lot of material I don’t see elsewhere, and he clearly is very insightful and intelligent. I presented my views on this case based on what I’ve read on the case. I read material from both sides of the issue from various sources. I posted here in hopes of doing a little clarifying of the real issues. In response I got some really good replies that were full of facts, such as #8 and #9.

    On the other hand, I also got some responses attacking me directly, calling me a “cop-out” and even John himself calling me a “nutball”. In the rules of debate, attacking a presenter rather than his point of view is an automatic acknowledgement of defeat. Perhaps the reason you don’t get more conservative posts, Mr. Dvorak, is because conservatives know they won’t get fair treatment when they post here.

    And for the record, I want to point out that I am not some wacked-out far righter who is adamant that Terri Schiavo be kept alive no matter what. My own grandmother died in a manner similar to hers after a stroke. She was however, able to look my father in the eye several times and say, “Let me die.” So I know what I’m talking about too.

    I appreciate those who posted thoughtfully in the spirit of intelligent debate and examining the facts without devolving into name-calling. Perhaps I was wrong and perhaps the articles I read didn’t have all the facts. If everything was done to ensure she was really in a PVS, then the right choice was made. But what I read there certainly left room for doubt. I am glad that the subsequent facts verified the choice that was made was indeed the right one.

  26. Sound the alarm says:

    AB CD

    Michael is indeed living with another woman. Only after spending 10 years trying to rehab Terry.

    Of the million dollars, $50,000 was left as of the first court order removing the tube. This is a fact. How much is left now is a point of conjecture.

    Of the 10 or so neurologists that actually examined Terry and saw the CAT scans and the NMRs. NONE thought she could ever recover.

    The Shindlers brought in four other neurologists during the court battle. The first two agreed with the others. the last two were hired by Pat Robertson. I some how doubt their objectivity.

    Regardless of who examined her – all stated that for a person in her condition she was physically in good shape – by which they stated she had no bed sores and no evidence of neglect or abuse. I know from experience how had it is to keep someone like this in that state.

    All the court appointed Neurologists save one all thought she was unrecoverable. One or two ( I don’t have my computer to check this) as I remember thought she MIGHT be brought from stage 5 (constant vegetative state) to stage 4 (constant vegetative state with some vocalizations). My mother was in stage 5 and was briefly in stage 4 – there’s not a lot of difference.

    Often I have heard people say out loud the question why is he fighting so hard to kill her when others would care for her. I think there is a simple answer – She stated to him that she didn’t want to be in that state and please make sure she wouldn’t. Do I have proof? No. For those of you are married – how many confessions pass between spouses that only the two of you know? I know that my wife before we were married had many views on life and religion that have changed with time and experience that her mother would now be shocked at if she knew how my wife felt now.

    My sources for this are the following – the summaries of the first court proceedings that resulted in the first court order to suspend feeding. This was before it got to be a political farce. These were widely available during the life of this story, but for one CNN interview and a few well done local news stories of Terry, none of the other papers and show seemed to use them – at least the ones I read and saw.

    Second there was a CNN interview with the man who had been appointed by the court to coordinate the evaluation of Terry before the first court order. He is the one who stated Terry’s physical state and also told about the finances. In addition he also catalogued all the attempts by Michael to rehab Terry.

    Three – During the last days of Terry’s life, when the abject coward Pat Robertson got involved for political brownie points, there was suppose to have been a nurse that over heard Michael say “When is the bitch going to die”. That old anti-Christ Pat didn’t say is that there were two other care givers that came forward after this nurse told her story stating that they (the care givers) have had a conversation with same said nurse and she said to them that “anything she could to save Terry she would do”, including lying. This part of the story was only reported on by Chris Mathews as far as I know, and only once.

  27. meetsy says:

    where did John call you a nutball? I’m not seeing it. Seems to me, he was speaking in general terms.

  28. Frank Baird says:


    Wow. A lot of good info in that. Thanks for sourcing it too. The article I read from the conservative right was by a neurologist who made the points I made above. But all of this makes me wonder a few things (and I ask honestly seeking the answers, not to try to pursuade anyone of anything).

    You mention an NMR. I believe that an MRI and an NMR are the same thing. The name was changed to avoid the panic-inducing term “nuclear”. I believe it is also true that MRIs are the best scan available for imaging soft tissue. If an MRI was taken, would it not show how atrophied the brain was? It seems to me that this test would have laid the arguments to rest. We would have known that she had utterly no hope of recovery and no vision.

    This same article claimed that Mr. Schiavo refused to allow her to have an MRI. It did not speculate as to why that was so, and seemed to try very hard to stick to verifiable facts and not stray into opinion. If this is so, it would be a strong indicator that he did not have her best interests in mind.

  29. AB CD says:

    I don’t doubt that all sorts of allegations were made up by the parents’ side. I’d be even more convinced if Jess Jackson had shown up earlier. As for the remaining money, if the parents hadn’t fought Michael’s attempts, then he would have gotten substantial amounts of money. Now it’s basically all gone to the lawyers. The bigger issue is why did he try to get the money if he knew his wife wouldn’t want treatment? Perhaps the diagnosis hadn’t been made, but it seems to be very convenient timing.

  30. AB CD says:

    Meetsy, you seem to be saying that people who don’t meet your standards of physical ability should be killed. Vegetative is one thing, but now you’re talking about people who are in much better condition. That’s the part that irritates me even more, the people who just insisted this woman must be killed because her condition was just not worth keeping her alive.


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