Earth’s cousin spotted! – _- Uh, excuse me, but this hardly seems like anything close. Who writes this stuff?

US researchers claim to have discovered a planet similar to Earth some 15 light years away.

According to them, the main differences between Earth and its bigger cousin are, that it is some 7.5 times more massive than the Earth and has a radius twice that of the Earth, and that it revolves around its parent star Gliese 876 in a circular orbit only two million miles away, or 0.021 astronomical units (AU), as compared to 93 million miles between the Earth and the Sun.

And one is covered with water and clouds and has land masses, the other is on fire and consists of benzene lakes and mountains of burning phosphorus.

  1. Dave Pearson says:

    Who writes this stuff?

    Probably people who know how to put “similar” in the proper context.

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    Well, it’s the closest so far. It’s difficult to find planets smaller than Jupiter with current technology.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    obviously a 2nd cousin, twice-removed.

  4. Adam says:

    Fun… Well, now all we have to do is invent the warp drive.


  5. AB CD says:

    I don’t remember DeVito being so thin. Could that poster have been doctored?

  6. T.C. Moore says:

    For many movies posters, body doubles are used and the actors heads are spliced on. Seriously.

  7. Lester Burnham says:

    Road trip!


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