Wi-Fi Misses Out on Red Carpet Walk — I’ve seen writers come up with some lame reasons for junkets, but Kewney — a Master — pulled a good one to get NEC to pick up his trip to Cannes so he could bitch about WiFi. Kudos Guy!

CANNES, France — You’d think a man walking down the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival here, wearing his best tux, would have something more on his mind than Wi-Fi.

Well, no. It’s been only four months since I was whining about the lack of wireless LAN services in Cannes. Here I am, back again, moaning and groaning about the same subject — but last time, we were at 3GSM. You’d expect wireless coverage at 3GSM to be particularly good; you wouldn’t necessarily expect it to be wonderful for the film business.

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