Is this guy really 42? I’d guess 12.

Intensity: Photoblogging Tom Cruise On Oprah : Defamer — Here’s a good blog documenting screen shots from TV shows where people make jerks out of themselves. The recent Tom Cruise nuttiness on Oprah was documented. This whole insanity about these ceberities and their weird shenanigans is ruining the country.

Kate Holmes. Wardrobe by Britney Spears

related links:

If you like this stuff, make sure to check out the excellent Superficial Blog here.
And there is Snarkywood here

Master of PR

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet War of the Worlds is going to be like ALL his movies. If he dies then the world is doomed.

  2. Shelby says:

    I am so embarrased for Mr. Cruise. I have been a big fan of his for over 20 years but I am no longer a fan. Since his divorce from Nicole Kidman he has continuosly gone downhill. I think that out of the majority of the people in the world he needs to see a psychiatrist more than anyone. I don’t feel sorry for him, I pity him. I am a Christian and when Jesus comes to judge us on the last day I truly hope he changes his belief about Jesus and realizes how ridiculous Scientology is. The deal with the psychiatry/medicine comments he has made are absolutely absurd. My 6 year old son was in a coma with an infection in his brain and without God and the assistant of medicine and doctors and a counselor he would not have came out of this trauma. So, as for Mr. Cruise I pity you.


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