Systm — Here is an interesting site with a couple of DAP (download-and-play) education videos. The one you should check out is the How to Build a MythTV. It’s the rage.

discovered by M. Medin

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    MAN, THIS IS COOL!!!!!!!!!!

    The video is so slick, and very professionally done!!! The kids presenting it talk a bit too fast for non-native english speakers such as myself, but they present the matter in such a confident and fluent way that you wonder if they’ve been doing this for years!

    Top marks! I am impressed!

  2. Systm is Awesome!!!!!

    If you are new to them, then also check out TheBroken.

    I find it funny that this story got Dug , as we
    all know that Dvorak is buddies with Leo Laporte, whom is in turn
    friends with the guyz who make Systm.

  3. mike says:

    Kevin Rose and Dan Huard are awesome. They used to be on TechTV and helped host a show called the Screen Savers. Very interesting video…can’t wait for the next Systm.

  4. Kevin Kinisky says:

    Systm is a great addition to my weekly list of things to download and watch ๐Ÿ˜‰ Now if I could only get content like this on my television, I’d be glued to the television.

  5. Arik Fletcher says:

    Kevin and Dan rock! what can I say?
    Systm is the future of IT knowledge sharing, I’m looking forward to whatever they do next.
    BTW, if you like systm, check out thebroken, Kevin and Dan’s slightly more ‘underground’ tech project. It’s really awesome!

  6. Naeem says:

    They have been doing it for years… these guys host tv shows on G4Techtv.

  7. Daniel MacLeod says:

    They have been doing this for years. They are both former TechTV presenters. It is very slick though especially the h.264 qt version.

  8. dave tweet says:

    They are doing it for years… ๐Ÿ™‚
    they both got out of techTV…
    anyway i agree about the speed i had to watch it 3 times before i completly understand what they are saying…
    but keep up the good work and im writing it here cuz i cant find any place on their site…

  9. Rich says:

    They have been doing it for years. They are past hosts of one of the best shows on the former Tech TV show “The Screen Savers”. If you want more info about Systm, Kevin Rose, or Dan Huard, check out: and

  10. Sassanix says:

    Miguel Lopes they have been doing this for years ๐Ÿ˜‰ … G4tv and Techtv.

  11. That Guy over there says:

    Of course they’ve been doing it for years, this is The Dark Tipper (he hates that), Kevin Rose and Foo Foo, Dan Huard (he hates that too). They, along with Leo LAporte, Patrick Norton and Sarah Lane were the ones who made TRS (The Screen Savers) GREAT !!!

    Athough, I do agree .. they talk a little fast, especially Dan. They seem nervous or something.

    Keep up the good work SYSTM !!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!

  12. Sean McCoy says:

    That’s because they have been doing this for years. They were hosts on The ScreenSavers on TechTV before G4 bought the station and ruined it. They also have another show, TheBroken where they show the darker side of tech (hacking, wardriving, etc.). It’s an older show that the plan to start up again soon, and it’s more formal and laid back compared to Systm.

  13. site admin says:

    And guess what? “They’ve been doing this for years!”

    WE GET IT!!!

    With all these fans my guess is that they’ll keep doing it for years to come. Good. But get on with it.

  14. Miguel Lopes says:

    OK, they have been doing it for years ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s just that I never saw them before in my neck of the woods!


  15. recover says:

    hahaha..dvorak tolerates little to no shit. i love it.

  16. el_jefe says:

    Have these guys been doing it for years? There sure do look familar.

  17. dead says:

    “G4 bought the station”G4 did not buy techtv comcast did and throw it on g4 get your facts right.

  18. OhNoez says:

    [quote] but they present the matter in such a confident and fluent way that you wonder if theyโ€™ve been doing this for years! [/quote]

    Heh, they have been doing it for years man, glad you found Systm.
    Check also same guys.

  19. Bryan says:

    Wait, have these guys been doing this for years? Does anyone know?

  20. Miguel Lopes says:

    Thanks. Already checked out the Broken. Some good info there. They should stay away from the booze, though ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope they keep coming up with good stuff.


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