BJ Couple. Isn’t the leather a bit over-the-top?

BJU ~ Student Expectations — Welcome to the dress vode from Bob JOnes University with this comment:

Abercrombie & Fitch and its subsidiary Hollister have shown an unusual degree of antagonism to the name of Christ and an unusual display of wickedness in their promotions. In protest, we will not allow articles displaying their logos to be worn, carried, or displayed (even if covered or masked in some way).

As for women methinks the girl above is in violation, to wit:

Necklines may come no lower than four fingers below the collarbone.

uncovered by P. McEntee

  1. James B says:

    Didn’t Jesus and Co. wear sandals and beards? I thought this was a “Christian” school? I’m surprised they don’t have restrictions against minorities. Yet another example of the extreme religious right, and they complain to democrats that the government has too much control?! Give me a break, look in the mirror!

  2. Ima Fish says:

    Why in the heck would Bob Jones University need a dress code? Let’s think about this for a minute. You’re a hot young chick, fresh out of high school, and you love dressing like a slut. You want to go to college so you pick Bob Jones?! That simply doesn’t make any sense.

    I’d think that only conformist christian prudes would be willing to go there.

    And who’s going to be the person sticking his fingers on women’s chests to ensure proper cleavage?!

  3. agile says:

    Having read the link, can you pluuuhhease remind me…what century is this? I dont’ currently own any A&F items, but I may buy one now.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    What is it with the “Morning” and “Afternoon” dress for men?

    Do all the guys go back to the dorm, after lunch, and take off their ties? Or is it optional?

    Guys can’t wear sandals, and gals can’t wear boots – can you really have a college with no guys in Birkenstock’s and no gals in Doc Martins??

  5. Sound the alarm says:

    Am I a perv, or does BJ-U have the same connotations to everyone else?

    Maybe if Bob had an under the belt epiphany things might be a little better in christian “I’m right and your wrong” land.

  6. Ballenger says:

    MV, I know what I would have done with the tie after class if my parents had sent me to BJU (Ironic Acronym). I believe it would be hang myself with it.

  7. Martin Jester says:

    More Gems from the Residence Hall Life Section:

    An email account is provided for each student. Due to the flood of objectionable content coming through outside email services, students may use only this filtered campus email system.

    All wireless access to the Internet is forbidden since all Internet use must go through the University’s filtered access.

    You may not possess or play computer and video games rated T, M, or A or having elements of blood and gore, sensual or demonic themes, or featuring suggestive dress, bad language, or rock music.

    Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.

    I wouldn’t last a week. Probably not even a day.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Agile: I recommend that you refrain from buying from A&F due to the fact that it simply disrespects anyone not being the standard of Arian beauty.

    As for the dress code who the hell cares, if they can afford to go to a xtian university they might as well go to an Ivy leage one.

  9. Pat says:

    James B

    The dress code works because many of these ultra-right wing evangelists are bigger then God.

    There are over 3000 verses in the Bible referring to poverty. I don’t believe there are any concerning Gay marriage or abortion. For some reason though, unless you ignore poverty and support the abolition of Gay marriage and abortion, you are going to hell. Now, if you don’t wear a certain dress, you may also be going to hell!!!

  10. James says:

    Presumably, those who go to Bob Jones share its values, since that’s what the school is about. They go knowing full well the kind of school it is, and knowing that the school has requirements that are out of the ordinary. They agree to it. So what’s the big deal?

  11. gwhaler says:

    “If God had intended us to be naked, we would have been born that way.”
    I guess nudity, as an option, hasn’t been addressed…

    “What did the Buddah say to the hot dog vendor?”
    “Make me one with everything.”

  12. Joost Schuur says:

    You think that’s bad, check out their Residence Hall Life page:

    No outside email account or wifi allowed, no rock or country music, no visiting movie theaters or movie star posters, no driving to and from class if you’re a freshman…

    Hell (oops), they don’t even allow CCM.

  13. Thomas says:

    Reading through the “Residential Hall Life” is truly scary. So much for broadening your horizons and trying to learn about the world. They can only watch G movies. They have to live on campus or with a relative. Only Internet access through their filtered servers.

    This goes beyond sheltered to organized brain washing by preventing any “outside influences.”

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    This reminds me of a recipe for xtian pizza sauce: no spices, no salt, no tomatoes.

  15. Teyecoon says:

    Is this “Jim Jones” University or “Bob Jones”? It doesn’t really matter anyway since this one is just based on a bigger cult.

  16. Paul Daniel says:

    Im planning on attending BJU, and If you dont like the dress code… dont go! Its not for everyone. Im going so I can be around other people who believe as I do. Also in response to post No. 9 ,there are plenty of bible verses that say homosexuality is a sin. And you dont go to hell for wearing/not wearing a certain kind of dress or shirt. And If thats what you belive BJU is implying than your very misguided. You go to hell because your a sinner and that alone. But if you accept the lord Jesus Christ into your heart and repent, he will shed his grace over you and you’ll be saved. But in anycase your not going to BJU anyway so why does it matter how a PRIVATE school regulates.

  17. site admin says:

    I think the post was supposed to be about the bigotry against Abercrombie and Fitch. The second part of the post had to do with the girl being obviously in violation. I see no evidence in the post that it was “against” the code. The commenters went astray with their opinions, happens all the time.

  18. Drew says:

    Well, if the issue is the girl’s “violation,” then the conclusion moots the post. While the neckline is certainly more than 4 fingers from the shoulders and the base of the neck, her collar bone rests lower on the torso. the best that I can figure, if you use the hands in the photograph as an approximate estimate, the neckline is at its longest 3 fingers from the collarbone. Paul (#17), good luck with your stay at BJU. Please, try to remember that you cannot put an omniscient God in a box, and neither could Bob Jones, Sr. The Bible would be rated “R” for sexual themes, violence, and nudity if it could be accurately placed onto film. Do not put yourself into a rated “G” world when real life beckons you to respond with the real God you want to serve. Pat (#9), you are completely right about Christians losing focus of some basic principles. When it comes to homosexuality and abortion (albeit, abortion is an incredibly complex issue, theologically), conservative Christians base their opposition bibically. Though it does seem to me that many tend to hate the sinner with the sin, as opposed to loving the sinner and hating the sin. Homosexuality recieves the same punishment as greed, stealing, or any other sin (theologically speaking, the punishment is death by Jesus or yourself). Your post was insightful.

  19. Abigail says:

    I personally attended Bob Jones University for 2 1/2 sememsters before being expelled for not turning my sister in for going on an unchaperoned date with her boyfriend off campus. (i’m serious).
    in response to the dress code issue. u do recieve demerits for wearing abercrombie and fitch clothing. u measure the 4 finger rule yourself if a teacher or hall leader questions you. u get demerits for everything imaginable.
    But as someone else posted, It was my choice to go there. But I believe that Bob Jones did me a large favor by kicking me out. It is a destructive environment to be in.

  20. site admin says:

    Actually it sounds un-American

  21. phillip says:

    first off…i like how the gun policy is one sentence long and everything else takes paragraphs to explain.
    The interracial policy is actually completely wrong. These dixie-fried southern baptists can’t stand to see interracial relationships so they eliminate them all together.
    oh and by the way…when you want to create a super race of people who believe in good deeds getting you in favor with God…that’s not called Christianity…its called communism.
    they aren’t raising Christians their raising Nazis.

  22. Annonymous says:

    You’re SICK!!!! BJU is a great school!

  23. Kat says:

    Fundamentalist christians are s.c.a.r.y. My best freind’s mother is trying to force her to go to a Christian College like Bob Jones or a few other ones that are closer to her current residnce. My frend (H) has been excepted to HARVARD YALE and PEIDMONT but her [censored] mother is telling her that she will with hold money unless she agrees to go to a school like BJU. Got any advice? that would be nice, i think that this school is insane!

  24. Jacques says:

    Hmmm. Seems like a lot of people using hate speech and intolerance towards a group of people who have a more conservative way of life. That seems a bit over-the-top to me….and people actually complain about how insensitive “junior-highers” can be. Looks like this website attracts people who hate anyone with a standard of morality higher than theirs, considering the vast majority seem to hate these people. I wonder if the Amish will be the next brunt of jokes on this sad little blog.

  25. Safia Payara says:

    Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies there on like Bible studies and other teaching materials on our Web site. This is such a wonderful studies you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.
    It is really privileged for me to write to your ministry and I pray may Lord bless you abundantly. I am Miss Safia Payara from Pakistan . Five years before I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I trust in Him as my rock and try to walk in Him, as the Word of God says don’t be lazy in struggle.
    As I was visiting your site I found that you are doing the work of translation into native languages. I am able to translate the good stuff of you into my native language Punjabi and national language Urdu. There are two purposes to request you the first one are to know the Word of God more deeply and second one to be supportive my family and to run. our Ministry. We will also teach your stuff in our working areas with our people
    I am working with children and women groups. Pakistan is Islamic country and here we are in Minority .Our Christian people are uneducated that’s why they follow Muslims and accept Islam. When we see this situation then me and some of my friends decided to build a group who work for Education of children
    Sunday Schools
    We have 4 Sunday Schools in our 4 areas.
    Home Schools
    We have 3 home schools in our working areas.
    Adult Literacy Centers
    We have 3 Adult Literacy Centers.
    Prayer Groups.
    We visit door to door and do Prayer Meetings.
    Women Groups
    In women groups we teach Bible.

    We don’t have Regular financial resources so that’s why we do translation work then run our Prayer group Ministry.
    My suggestion for you is to create your material in my language of Urdu and Punjabi also. It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani and Indian Urdu and Punjabi speaking people. For that purpose I as a translator will bring your material into Urdu languages and into Punjabi language as well. Although it will take your low expenses as well, as fund for the Word of God to reach out to the deserving people. As a translator I will take the expenses that will be spending just for the Word. I will be looking for your kind words on this my humble request as soon as possible.
    “There is nothing more precious than to read and listen the Word of God into your own language.”
    I hope you will consider me regarding this request.
    Kindly give us the translation work and start work with us.
    May God Bless you.
    In Jesus Christ,
    Safia Payara.
    Multan Pakistan


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