Arutz Sheva – Israel National News — Oh please! At least now all the digging I mentioned under the Temple Mount I cited here makes sense. If these guys saw the movie they’d know that this isn’t a good idea!

An unnamed Kabbalist has granted blessing to famed archeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones to uncover the Holy Ark of the Covenant. Jones plans to excavate the Lost Ark by the Tisha B%u2019Av Fast this summer.

The famed archaeologist, the inspiration for the %u201CIndiana Jones%u201D movie series, has spent most of his life searching for the Ark of the Covenant. The ark was the resting place of the Ten Commandments, given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, and was hidden just before the destruction of the First Temple.

The Talmud says the Ark is hidden in a secret passage under the Temple Mount. Jones says that the tunnel actually continues 18 miles southward, and that the Ark was brought through the tunnel to its current resting place in the Judean Desert.

Could the unknown Kabbalist be Madonna??

  1. K B says:

    “Last Thursday … Dr. Jones received a communication from the rabbi reading, ‘The time is right.’” —(from the article)

    I think we’ve got Coca-Cola’s next slogan.
    (Come to think of it, it was Ronald Reagan’s slogan too.)


    “Israel is different from all other nations in a lot of ways, but more than anything else, Israel is the only nation whose history was written before it happened.”

    Oh puh-leeeze. This is even worse than the talk of a market analyst.

  2. Paul Stewart says:

    Well, if Madona is funding the expidition she never saw the movie.

    Seems strange that so much fuss is made over this artifact.I know this artifact has symbolic significance to the popular mind in the spiritual arena. the mystical properties it is said to contain have been shown to be replicatable by building a static condensor with crushed amber and crushed quartz crystal. I suppose there might be other materials that might up the amperage of the static charge, but how useful would this devise be? Can you imagine Georgie B. on a chariot leading a blindfolded soldgers carying the ark through the “Holy Land” smiting all Sodomites? Ooop, I guess we could. If a few people could cary it there is not that much gold by todays standards, but it would be a good museum coup, along side tuts mask. I suppose if you had control of the ark, you could prove the eleventh commanment. But it has always seemed ironic that golden calfs were frowned upon but a golden ark has been so mythologized. Let’s see, most of the stories in the OldT & the Talmud were circulating prior to any one culture or tradition laying claim to them, including the Jews. Moses was trained in his priestly trade by egyptian priests (who regularly made arks,) and led refuge peoples into the desert for 40 years to teach them how to be civilised and act as a nation. This all seems like a PR nightmare for someone. I mean what nation now would consider themself rightous enough to lay claim to the ark? And please Modona and Indiana Jones, it seems like a noir retelling of of Oscar Wilde’s Solome where when Dr Jones realises it is Modana funding the expidition he tries to get away with the ark in a canvas covered Hummer. While Modona dressed like some Dominatrix is in the Temple Mount Hilton saying “Bring me the head of Dr Jones on a plater, and I don’t me the one between is ears.” I think I’ll wait to see it on DVD.

    On top of all that the aliens watching us from their lunar base for the past 10,000 years, untill we are all civilised to handle knowledge of them, must be thinking we earthlings are the best and longest running reality programing on their dish networks.


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