Mexico’s Fox Defends Comments on Radio

President Vicente Fox on Sunday defended his commitment to minorities and human rights on a U.S. radio program, in his first public response to his controversial comment that Mexicans take the U.S. jobs that “not even” blacks want.

U.S. civil rights activist Jesse Jackson pressed the Mexican president for an apology for the remark that has strained already tense relations between U.S. blacks and Hispanics, during an interview on a Chicago gospel station.

“I very much regret the misinterpretation,” said Fox, touting laws created under his administration that outlaw discrimination and protect minorities.

  1. James says:

    I still don’t understand – what’s the insult? Are the offended people saying yes, the blacks want to be the landscapers and the janitors of the U.S.? Or is it the fact that overall, blacks are still considered the disadvantaged social group – something that would they certainly pushed for years with affirmative action programs, etc.? Fox is saying: these are the jobs that everybody from the U.S. thinks they are too good to take. And Fox is right.

  2. to_glow says:

    If you’ve spent any time around a Latin community, or lived in Latin-American countries, or even lived in the border states as I have then it should come as no surprise that most people in these countries are very extremely prejudiced. Especially towards anyone that originates from Africa. Only the Native-Americans of the this land are distained to even this extent by the Latin-American community.

    And if you think that being Caucasian, or white, excludes one from such hatred from the Latin-American community then you are definitely deluding yourself. This makes the Latin-American community no different than the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese or the African-American community. The only group that I know of that castigates itself for not liking other cultures are the North-American Caucasians.

    All too often White-American go overseas and fall head over heals in love with whatever culture they visit. It makes them feel more cultured and educated to be able to level criticism at their own people, they come back and feeling smug and blinding righteous the tout whatever culture they have visited. If that culture is really that good they should give up what this county enabled them to work for and go back to their new found heaven and start over, and see just how accepted they will be.

    All to often people in this country live in a hollow fantasy, cut off from reality. They forget that even while they might have good intentions that those without probably don’t.

    Vincente Fox must really look down on the people of this country, what other nation has ever committed suicide in such a way or allowed it’s elites to committed political treason, economic treason and military treason without being held accountible. You don’t see him allowing immigrants into Mexico through their southern border, you don’t see him or his countrymen allowing foreign nationals to claim jobs and work that can be done by their own people. Many of the jobs taken by illegal-aliens are jobs that use to support the low end of the Middle-Class, construction, retail, hospital workers,…. With the visas being issued by the traitors in the White House, our engineers, IT & computer programmers, and middle management is being eliminated and thus the Upper Middle Class.

    But we must have our nannies, maids, fruit pickers, and below wage scale workers from Mexico, enriching those that hire them at the cost of the life of this country. That is treason, when you purposely undermine your country economically, politically, or militarily for your own gain or the gain of a foreign entity.

    I would call those reading this to a renew their Nationalism and pride while seeking to r protect it’s culture, language, history and it’s borders. The criminal illegal-aliens are not coming here to become part of this country, but instead seek to sub-divide and balkanize it. The Republicans and Democrats have purposely broken the melting pot, and fight with every sinew to keep it from being reformed. Far to many or our own people are busy attacking their own country, and trying to advance their little lives through Political Correctness and the fantasy of a New World Order, ie. the U.N. No house can stand divided, thus must far as such, what takes it’s place will make of use mere serfs for the disposal of the elites of the U.N. If that is what you want then continue to do nothing, continue to believe in a two party system, like Mexico’s, continue to take the interests of other nations before our own, and especially continue to religiously advocate the principles of free trade, or should I say free traitors.

  3. meetsy says:

    What people in this country DO NOT WANT TO WORK?
    I don’t know any ethnic group in America that don’t WANT the jobs, they just don’t want the jobs for half the price they’re worth!!!
    Mexico is about as racist as a country can be. They do have different races…and the lowest of the low are the native (indian) Mexicans. As a group, they have little future, less education, and are not represented in the government by more than 2% (even though they are the majority). They’re the ones coming over the border (along with the drug cartel, but that’s another huge issue). The “ruling class” of Mexico are those of Spanish descent. The native Mexicans flooding across our border are the lowest class of Mexico.
    What Fox said was…our lowest class will take the work that your lowest class doesn’t want to do. (Ours are more stupid than yours?) It was so incredibly moronic… such a deep level…but because it touches on a “color” remark, many don’t get it.
    He was promoting the reality that HIS lowest class are more willing to be exploited — and he’s proud of this? He’s not ASHAMED that his people must go to another country to eek out a living to send money back to support people that HIS country cannot guarantee a minimum standard of living! He’s not ashamed that his people are so desperate, living in poverty with NO hope for work that they leave their loved ones to prostitute themselves in another country? How can it be that with all the factories that moved to Mexico for cheaper wages (and steel mills, and auto factories, and assembly plants and clothing sweat shops, and…you name it)….that his own people cannot find work to support themselves? That with all the industry that these lowest of the low, still have no education, no programs to train them, no opportunities to advance. How is it that his native Mexicans have such hardship, while the richer in Mexico are getting richer? How can it be that he is proud of the reality that his gross national product is rapidly becoming unskilled, uneducated labor? How is it that they come here and discover with wide world of health care, and maternity care — that they do NOT have in their home areas? How can he promote …what should be outright shame…that he thinks of his own people as products to be exported…with PRIDE!
    The man is a moron.

  4. Sound the alarm says:

    No, he is a typical South American Patron. Has all the money, maintains his money by manipulating his country’s tax system and taxing the middle class and the poor more than the rich then taking the tax money and giving it to the rich through various government contracts and other corruption.

    This is EXACTLY what the republicans are doing and what Bush wants. They want a peasant class that they can abuse and use. Just this year the CBO announced that for the first time since the robber barons (~1910), the poor and middle class are being taxed more than the rich (53% vrs 47%) even though the rich own 67% of the nation’s wealth.

    I hope you all like being peasants.


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