The Gender Genie — This is an interesting program and I ran a few of my columns through it to see how they came out and I am indeed male! What was interesting though is if you cut the columns at some natural break point many of the early beginnings of the column are female, then I go male! Apparently this is some natural trick I learned to compel people to read into the column before I get into my arguments. Interesting since I’ve always thought I could trick people into reading entire columns with pacing and teaser lines. That must account for the “female” scores in the first half of the column. I have a lot of personal theories about all this. It’s just kind of interesting to run copy through these programs.

You should note that you have to put a lot of text into this to get good results. This means whole articles or long diatribes.

Inspired by an article in The New York Times Magazine, the Gender Genie uses a simplified version of an algorithm developed by Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology, to predict the gender of an author. Read more at

  1. Brenda Helverson says:

    Poor President Johnson – only remembered for Viet Nam, where he got duped over and over. I remember his social programs. Joe Califano was his policy advisor and he and LBJ used to sit around the pool in Texas on a sunny afternoon crafting legislation that was intended to help people. Imagine that happening today. Can you? Any part of it but the pool?

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    Should be mentioned it works only for english language texts.

    I tried with 2 examples. Accuracy was 50/50. Curious, I’ll try it some more with male and female colleagues of mine 🙂

  3. I’ve tested this program extensively on blogs. It has a glaring weakness, that women who are capable of reasoning clearly or discussing anything technical – and there are many, many of them – tend to be identified as men.

    If you’re thinking of writing something while pretending to be a woman, try running your text thorgh genie!
    – Precision Blogger


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