I4U Photo Gallery: e3 2005 heaven — The last great high energy trade show may be E3 and part of the reason are the so-called “booth bimbos” who liven up the atmosphere in a business dominated by men. All the other shows have largely eschewed this show business approach to their events because it offended someone or other. So we got school marms instead. COMDEX was a perfect example. COMDEX is now gone. Dead. Coincidence?

Here are some photos taken by one of the conventioneers at E3. I can only imagine the squawking if a scene like this ever happened at COMDEX during its heyday of political correctness.

Unfortunately the photographer here must have been visibly shaking since I cannot find one picture in focus. Do I have to go down there and do this myself?!? Readers are welcome to add other photo links as they find them.

promoted by J. Schumann

  1. Mike Voice says:

    What is the plural of “Silicon Valley”? 😉

  2. K B says:

    “Unfortunately the photographer here must have been visibly shaking since I cannot find one picture in focus.” –JCD

    Well, it’s not easy taking pictures one-handed. 😉


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