I see nothing!

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona — If this is true then it’s a disgrace!

“It was clear to everyone here what was being said and why,” said one veteran agent. “The apprehensions were not to increase after the Minuteman volunteers left. It was as simple as that.”
Another agent said the Naco supervisors “were clear in their intention” to keep new arrests to an “absolute minimum” to offset the effect of the Minuteman vigil, adding that patrols along the border have been severely limited.

  1. Pat says:

    Arrests went from a daily average of 500 to 15 with the minute men in place.

    Area residents, in a half-page ad in the Sunday edition of the Sierra Vista Herald, told the volunteers: “Thanks for doing what our government won’t — close the border to illegal aliens. It was the quietest month we’ve had in many years … You made us feel safe because the border was closed.”

    My stomach is churning at the brazen gall of the administration.

  2. Brenda Helverson says:

    Vigilante action is mob rule and is unacceptable in a free society. We certainly don’t want a bunch of untrained citizens on a mission acting under the color of law, particularly when guns and human lives are involved.

    If these dilletantes want to help, then go form an organization to support the Border Patrol and help its Agents do the job. Agents are highly trained, poorly paid, work and often live in remote backwaters, and can face danger at any time. If these “viginaltees” want to help, then stay home and stop undercutting the Border Patrol’s ability to do its job.

    “My stomach is churning at the brazen gall of the administration.” Yeah, mine too. The Administration should have arrested each of these “vigilantees” at the outset and sent them back home in chains.

  3. T.C. Moore says:

    Imagine if these guys had gone to the border, but had not brought their guns. Just binoculars and cell phones, which is apparently all they used. Then it would just be a Neighborhood Watch, border style.

    Would anyone have paid attention? Would the left hav e freaked out? Would those contemplating a crossing have gotten the word to lay low for a while?

    Wouldn’t have made a very effective protest, though.

  4. Phal says:

    “Vigilante action is mob rule and is unacceptable in a free society. We certainly don’t want a bunch of untrained citizens on a mission acting under the color of law, particularly when guns and human lives are involved.”

    In a free society only one group should have the power to enforce the law and defend the country? Only the border patrol, that refuses to do it’s job because of political pressure, should have the “right” to defend us? A monopoly is not freedom even if it is a government sanctioned monopoly. Not to mention that these minute men were notifying the border patrol and not themselves arresting or detaining. It’s pretty clear that the Border Patrol is not willing to do what the taxpayers are paying them to do. I personally feel safer that these minute men were there to stop these people.

    You speak of the danger involving “guns and human lives” but, what if one day one of those approximately four hundred eighty-five illegals ends up being another serial killer like Angel Resendiz? I don’t want to sound sensationalist but, those were nine people that could have been saved if someone was out there watching the border.

  5. Ed Campbell says:

    Brenda, the folks carrying guns were folks who normally carry guns. Which is a lot of folks out West. When I was still on the road, out here, I checked the laws in the states I traveled, most often: Texas, New Mexico, Colorado. Having a gun in your vehicle or on your person — as long as it wasn’t concealed — is perfectly legal. The one in your motor vehicle can be concealed, by the way.

    Other than some of the folks who may have been armed — I imagine roughly proportionate to the usual number of rural folks in any southwestern state — we’re talking about a bunch of people who did exactly what you propose. They watched for lawbreakers — and notified the heat when they saw something worth hollering about.

    Did any folks get out of line whilst doing it? I imagine there were a few. Though, our local newspaper and city council is about 200% supportive of undocumentados. I imagine they would have reported it.

    So, tell me. What’s the charge you would lay against these “vigilantes”? It’s your word and I imagine your charge. Want to put them into Gitmo for questioning? How about charging people for breaking the law — when they break the law? I don’t know too many folks who have a problem with that.

  6. Tom Hanlin says:

    Such a remarkable amount of xenophobia. Doesn’t it bother anyone at all that the Feds can make *people* illegal? Or to find the government deciding who I can work for, hire, or invite over to dinner?

    Do you ever consider whether closing the border is intended to keep them out… or to keep us in?

  7. to_glow says:

    A Vigilante is someone that, without the consent of the official government, enforces perceived law and then carries out the justice reserved for the legal system condoned by the official government.

    The minutemen did none of this, they simply reported criminal activity.
    I would have to wonder at the perception of anyone that thought they were vigilantes, especially their education level. But, then again they probably have their own Mexican maid and have Mexicans working for them, so they protect their pocketbook first and foremost. Everyone else is a loser, especially if they really believe in archaic things like sovereignty and the rule of law.

    Each and every person has a right to participate in governmental affairs and not just to act as a cheerleader for the increasing totalitarian governmental action. Can you remember Al Gore’s brushes with campaign finiance laws, he said then “There’s no governing authority”. Today King George Bush doesn’t agree with the immigration laws, so he doesn’t enforce them. If tommorrow the President or whatever authority doesn’t think the murder of a Jewish life should prosecuted, for Brenda that would make her a Nazi!!!!!!!

  8. Sound the alarm says:

    You can bet this was right from the desk of dubya.

    dubya, dubya, he’s our man – if he can destroy the country – one one can!

  9. T.C. Moore says:

    Tom Hanlin,
    While I’m sure some Minutemen were xenophobic, I don’t think anyone on this thread is, have hung out here for a while.

    We just want laws enforced properly. Both parties don’t seem to want to enforce the law. It’s really annoying that businesses depend on illegal aliens, and the left coddles them, and yet technically they are breaking the law. I feel a guest worker policy is fine, but it should be done according to law.

    Rationalize the policy and enforce it. That’s all most people on this thread want, I think.

  10. Pat says:

    Such a remarkable amount of xenophobia. Doesn’t it bother anyone at all that the Feds can make *people* illegal? Or to find the government deciding who I can work for, hire, or invite over to dinner?

    Gee, how right you are. My buddy is illegal now too. The County posted a lower speed limit then he wanted to drive. So he became an illegal driver !!!

    Yes there are some people I may not invite over for dinner, such as anyone I KNOW is wanted by law enforcement.

    I agree that there are some who I may not hire for certain jobs. Those who are under a certain age, are contagious (if I worked in the food industry), do not possess requisite certification (for medical, legal, engineering professionals), or cannot pass a security check. I am also required to submit a portion of my employee’s earnings to the Government. If that person does not have the proper documentation in order to correctly submit the remittances (or taxes if you care) then I may not hire him / her.

    A Vigilante is someone that, without the consent of the official government, enforces perceived law and then carries out the justice reserved for the legal system condoned by the official government.

    A vigilante is someone who imposes his view of justice when the state is incapable to enforce the law or provide justice. When faced with tyranny and / or anarchy from the lawless, the vigilante will impose the law. We all have a duty to not only uphold the law, but to assist Law Enforcement in the enforcement. If the Minute Man Project were vigilantism then that would make Neighborhood Watch groups vigilantes too.

    This case boils down to the Bush Administration declining to enforce the nations laws. It is not about whether the Minute Man Project volunteers are vigilantes. Illegal immigration is a problem in this country. With all the issues about terror, with the Bush Administration wanting to erode Civil Liberties more and more, there are countless unknown people are crossing the border from Mexico every day unimpeded.

  11. von ludwick says:

    anyone with a brain would not want anyone entering this country that the tax paying citizens have to feed, schol, medicate,and house,and not close our borders to criminals and terrorist.


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