Free trade tests U.S. ties to Mexico — Here is an interesting story telling how the Mexicans in Mexico are not too pleased with the illegal immigration and the NAFTA agreement.This news, of course, is BURIED!! What is wrong with today’s daily newspaper and TV editors?

On May Day, 1.2 million people filled the streets of Mexico City – the largest protest demonstration in Mexican history.

This great peaceful outpouring cried out for formal democracy at the ballot box, true choice in the country’s coming national elections and a basic change in its direction. Their call for dumping Mexico’s free-trade policies is becoming the most serious challenge to the Bush administration in Latin America.

Rufino Dominguez, coordinator of the Indigenous Front of Binational Organizations, a group that organizes indigenous people both in Mexico and the United States, says the Mexican people want justice.

He contends democracy means more than elections. “It means economic stability – our capacity to make a living in Mexico, without having to migrate, and a government that attends to the needs of the people.”

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Kinda flies in the face of the “reconquista” rhetoric, doesn’t it? 😉

  2. to_glow says:

    What do you think, our elites are determined to reshape the world into a new dark age, where they are the royalty and we preseants are keep in place. You should remember that in Mexico they’ve had a two party system for a long time, remind you of anything here in the States, even though they never really had a choice.

    King George Bush isn’t chumming up to the Stalinist Clinton’s just for the fun of it. Centralized authority is the same in any political system, they all seek to have their positions and wealth passed on to their children, North Korea; China; Russia.

    Our elites in their race to rape this country and any other they can find, in order to agrandize their own wealth, have left only choas. They’ve committed treason, economic, political and the selling our hard won technology, and should be tried to the full extent of the law. They’ve distroying the lives of the future generations of Americans the same as though they were putting them in gulags and concentration camps.

    A few years back, when NAFTA & GATT was going through, do you want to make tosters or computers. Today we make neither. We didn’t want those treaties then, but we were to stupid for our own good and look were we are now. Today they same arguments are being used for CAFTA. The aim of the Democratics and Republican Neo-Coms is to lay low the U.S. and raise up a new ruling elite. In the words of King George Bush Senior, “A Kinder Gentler America” that I suppose knows it’s place in the world.

    The people in Mexico don’t want our way of life, if they did they could easily have started on the road to increased development many years ago. Just because a Mexican comes here to the States doesn’t mean he changes his culture or views, and this is what we are importing into the U.S. now. These criminal-aliens don’t like us, or our ways. They intend to change both. We should ask ourselves two questions: 1.) Do we want to live like Mexico, with the elites in control of everythings and a strict caste system?; 2.) What right do we have to change that country, Mexico? If you believe we have a right to change them, then let’s really do it and invade Mexica just like we did Iraq, then we start on Iran, Cuba, Canda, Chian, Korea, ……. If not then let’s protect our own country first and foremost. If you like strict caste system, then go to India. You can have your fill of it there, although if you don’t have a lot of money it might not work out to your likeing.

    I know Bush’s and Clinton’s answer, it very loud in their demeanor and actions, they like Mexico, India, and Europe. All places where a caste system is in place. Is this the type of civilization we want?

    It’s time for a third party, right now the “Constitutionlist Party” is the only nationlist party that I’m aware of. It would seem a good place to start to fight for our rights, freedoms and future.


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