VOA News – Republican Senator Declines to Support Bolton The plot thickens. Although now you can watch the knee-jerks on both sides of the aisle getting into the act.

A key Republican senator says he will not support John Bolton’s nomination to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Addressing his colleagues on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thursday, Senator George Voinovich said he believes the United States can find someone better for the U.N. job than Mr. Bolton.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    I know it’s been said many times before, but Bolton looks like a freak. I seriously believe he tortures puppies for pleasure.

    Or to quote from Superintendent Chalmers, “Man the rod up his butt must
    have a rod up it’s butt.”

  2. Anthony says:

    Most [insert party here] have the same vaules as [insert party here].

    As such people in that party are going to lean much more toward the general feel, then some other direction.

    I’m Republican, but I can tell you straight out some of the vaules down right suck. I guess that means I can’t think for my self huh?


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