One of the problems I have doing this blog is that I see an item that I want to blog but first I MUST embellish or comment or find a good photo for it. The way this works in WordPress is that the item then becomes a “draft” until I get back to it later. As anyone who uses WordPress knows the draft pile starts to grow. Eventually there are too many to keep track of and most are dated and if you run them you get complaints that you’re not keeping up! Or “that’s OLD news.” The problem I have is that I often want to archive these items for long term storage. So starting tomorrow I am going dump the entire draft folder onto the blog over three days. Many will be raw. The pile should scroll off the end of the blog and you may have to do an archive view by day to see them if you really care. I suppose this is more of a warning than anything else.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Not my idea of a “fun” 3-day weekend.

    I initially thought it strange that WordPress software is that inflexible, then I realized that most software is – I’ve just grown acustomed to the fact. 🙁

  2. Miek Voice,
    Actually, most software trains us to use it the way it wants to be used, and constrains us to think along lines suitable for its use. Slightly new slogan:

    Think outside fo the GUI!

    – Precision Blogger

  3. T.C.M. says:

    Be sure to label them as OLD, and date them.

    I thought the Bolton one was old, since other news item said he was voted through to the Senate. Voinovich, you scoundrel.

  4. K B says:

    “So starting tomorrow I am going dump the entire draft folder onto the blog over three days.” –JCD

    This purging disorder needs a name.


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