BBC NEWS | UK | Royal couple to acknowledge ‘sin’ — OH! PUH-leeeeze!!

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles will acknowledge “sins and wickedness” at their wedding blessing.

Prince Charles and the new Duchess of Cornwall will read the act of penitence which is worded: “We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, against thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us.”

via K. Burel

  1. Pat says:

    uummm, say what ???

  2. Frank Baird says:

    So I’m wondering John, what makes you roll your eyes so widely? Do you think they are not repentant at all? (I can certainly agree with that. In another picture, Charles had this monster smile. First time I’ve ever a smile on his face that looked genuine.) Or do you just hate the idea of the Church calling his behavior sin? Or maybe even the idea of God calling something sin? Or the fact that the Queen pushed this on him? Or something else?

  3. BillBC says:

    They are not repenting of any particular sin…that quotation is from one of the standard creeds of the Church of England

  4. Patrick says:

    They seem happy. It is truly romantic. She has stood by him all these years selflessly, and he obviously stood by her. It’s great that he’s man enough to stand up to all the critisism and make his stand- he wants her to be his wife. It’s obviously true love, and not the pretention that Diana was.

    I think it’s great. Bravo.


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