This isn’t it either.
Technology News: Hardware: Hitachi Says Higher Capacity Hard Drives on the Way — Everyone is abuzz about this development despite the fact that it appears to be right smack dab on the timeline. So why the buzz? Slow news day.
Hitachi expects to release a 1-terabyte drive by the end of the year and said that a group of its employees are in the midst of testing the technology. Perpendicular recording, so called because the tiny magnetic bits that hold information are standing on end instead of lying flat, can pack much more data into the same space.
In any case, terabyte disks are welcome! Even if they too will get filled to the limit eventually! I just hope they make them affordable right now, instead of in a year or two. I could use a couple of tera disks!
(Teradisk – nice name, huh?)
Here’s some news for a slow news day. Was your hard drive made in China?
Amnesty International reports that during 2004, more than 3,797 people were executed in 25 countries, including at least 3,400 in China.
Iran was #2 with 159.
For those of us who save everything!