Border Safety Initiative – — How about getting tough instead? You know, the way the Mexicans are on their own Southern border.

The Border Patrol’s mission is to secure our nation’s borders, which includes saving lives. In June, 1998, the then Immigration and Naturalization Service first announced the Border Safety Initiative (BSI), a strategy designed to make the border safer for everyone. In June and November 2000, they announced plans to intensify these efforts, which are intended to reduce injuries and fatalities along the Southwest border. In February 2001, Presidents Bush and Fox met on U.S.-Mexico migration issues. High level talks began in April, and continued in June, 2001. A US-Mexico joint statement was issued after a June 15 binational meeting in Tucson. Both sides announced expanded efforts to save migrant lives along the joint border. On June 22, the two countries issued a formal joint communiqu�, and the plan of action and the initiatives agreed upon during these talks. Both sides agreed to: (more)

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