Seriously. Does Barry Diller even use a computer??

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Google under pressure as Diller buys Ask Jeeves — Huh? Wha? Let me get this straight. Diller’s wild conglomerate buys Axe-Jeeves and this somehow creates a new threat to Google? How is this? If anything the opposite is probably true. I admire Diller for buying all these eCommerce sites, but how does this improve the fortunes or profile of Ask Jeeves? These writers at the Guardian are smoking crack.

The all-share deal is further evidence of increasing confidence in the potential of internet advertising and search engines. It will also position IAC directly against the likes of Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft.

  1. jojo says:

    Ask Jeeves???? Were they still in business? Who woulda’ thunk, given their generally poor search results and useless “natural language” interface. Peek-a-boo. Anyone see a sign of a bubble here?


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