Bird Flu Not Ruled Out in Acute Hemorrhagic Fever in Angola — This is just peachy.

>> The results of blood samples sent to Senegal showed that the mysterious outbreak was not due to yellow fever, dengue fever, the West Nile virus, the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever or rift valley fever, said Moises Francisco, a member of the Angolan technical team monitoring the outbreak in Uige.

Angolan health officials have asked the Centres for Disease Control in the United States to conduct tests to determine whether the fever is caused by the Ebola virus.

“We have the results (from Senegal) and they are negative,” said Van Dunem. “We are now awaiting the results of the Ebola tests that we have asked from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.”

Angolan health officials said that eight cases of the haemorrhagic fever were detected in municipalities near the city of Uige. < <

via Meetsy

  1. michael cuthbertson says:

    Dodged that bullet.
    Of course, there are many more to come.

    Marburg identified in Angola
    22/03/2005 20:30 – (SA),,2-11-1447_1680038,00.html

    Luanda – An outbreak of haemorrhagic fever, that has claimed the lives of 96 people in northern Angola, was caused by the Marburg virus, Angola’s deputy health minister said on Tuesday.

    The Marburg disease, a severe form of haemorrhagic fever in the same family as Ebola, was first recognised in 1967 and is indigenous to Africa, affecting both humans and primates.

    Angolan deputy health minister Joseph Van Dunem said results from 12 samples sent to the US Centres for Disease Control had detected the virus.

    “We have received the results,” Van Dunem told a news conference. “We are dealing with the Marburg virus.”

  2. michael cuthbertson says:

    Another link on Marburg in Angola.,10117,12634312-38195,00.html

  3. There’s a really fascinating and well-researched page of articles on the horrific effects of the 1918 flu (the ‘Spanish Flu’), together with experts’ reports on the likelihood of another global pandemic, over at

    It makes for truly terrifying reading!


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