Sainsbury’s – making life taste better — When they want to build a new strip mall in Macon, Georgia do you think it will look anything like this? All over the world modern buildings and modern shopping centers are going up. Americans are largely unaware of any of this activity since we are never told about it by our media. Watch the Jon Stewart Show tonight when his guest will be Tom Fenton, ex-CBS reporter whose new book Bad News is a scandalous indictment of our media. Fenton is a retired foreign correspondent with CBS who over the weekend discussed this book on C-SPAN. He made it clear that NONE of the networks will book him to discuss this book. In it he essentially says that since the fall of the Berlin wall the US media has kept the public in the dark about everything except infotainment and other crap. Our competitive advantage is being eroded and we don’t even know it. Once the public wakes up there is going to be hell to pay.

via E. Campbell

  1. Hank says:

    I think one of the biggest media scandals is that the Bush administration has used A QUARTER BILLION of our tax dollars to covertly propogandize OUR OWN COUNTRY with fake news. But even bigger is that the TV stations just silently went along with it.


    Remember when the conservatives used to get their panties in a bunch over 100 million for the arts? But $250,000,000 for fake news? Now that’s a bargain!

  2. Mel says:

    “IF” the public wakes up there is going to be hell to pay.


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