People keep asking me why I didn;t go to CeBit this year. It seems to me that the coverage is going to be good enough without me and, well…I think the folowing graphics give an even better reason.

And I see it will be snowing on Sunday in N. Germany. Great.

  1. Steve says:

    Wow, I’d kill just to be in Hannover right now. It’s still snowing here in Michigan.

  2. site admin says:

    Not at all. I’m losing my enthusiasm for a travel system that treats me like a criminal, then once it approves me makes me uncomfortable if not miserable. As for many of these trade shows, the ones like this are over-covered. So I go to the Game Dev show AND the Embedded Systems Conference in SF instead where they are undercovered. These were both at the same time as CeBit and represented the smaller, more targeted show I prefer to attend. AND I avoid the airlines and the wolf pack of me-too reporters and the crappy weather. Just seems smart to me.

  3. John Schumann says:

    If it seems smart to you it probably is. Stay focused on the Bollywood Babes — Hot Stuff!

  4. RB says:

    15 years ago Comdex and Cebit was important.
    Today its not.
    Comdex is gone and Cebit is replaced with online press kits.

    Game dev is a billion dollor industry and embedded sytems is going to be big…No tooo sure I feel comfortable with rf chips all over the place.


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