The Sect of Homokaasu – The Rasterbator Despite the odd name this is a simple online system that lets you blow up images on multiple sheets of paper. Fun for everyone.

  1. Jose Concepcion says:

    heh… quite very interesting… just got inside the site and printed one damned bigg image, about 50 pages… and it looks great too!

  2. Good that you put a child’s picure with it…

  3. RB says:

    Cool stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figure my crummy hp printer will use about $70 .00 bucks worth of ink for each image.

  4. RB says:

    Miguel, I’m not printing anything any time soon however you can grab images off my website and print them out.
    Its a cool FREE program but poster printers are a better way of getting the job done. I hate pasting pages together. Back in the 80’s I created banners from my dot matrix printer.

  5. meetsy says:

    oooh wallpaper!

  6. RB says:

    Using the office Laser printer would be illegal for personal use “LOL”. Probably the same level crime as finding out YOUR test results online.
    I like the program !!!
    I was adding satire to how much ink costs.


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