Dr. Gene Scott.com – Home — I was disappointed to learn that the always entertaining and cynical TV minister Dr. Gene Scott died last week. Here’s his homepage.

  1. ummm says:

    I don’t see the need to make an individual filthy rich just so that he can preach to people that they should be good citizens.

    Questions for those who believe in him:

    1. Doesn’t ur brain tell u that killing people is wrong and that being a good citizen is right?

    2. Does it take to give thousands of dollars to a man to have him translate stuff from another language, and for what? Just to find out that in the end you should be a good person?

    3. What did God give u a brain for? Think for yourself dude!

    I realize that America IS the place to be where making money off of people who can’t think for themselves is abundant.

  2. John Thompson says:

    Gene Scott was a complete fake and a charlatain. He was interested in one thing, making a lot of money. He prostituted God for his own personal benefit. I know he was probably insane but that doesn’t make it okay. I watched him at times years ago just for the laughs, kinda like watching a train wreck. What a egomaniacal joke.

  3. RANDY DOYLE says:

    Dr. Gene Scott probably was a charlatan of a sort — a showman and an egomaniac. But, my reading of him and his third wife, Melissa, is that they were sincere, but probably mentally ill. His parents are quoted as seeing his early childhood as being like a prophet’s. And Melissa and he apparently shacked up together before he was divorced and they could get married for several years. She was a former porn star and promoter not that long before their trysting and has been “ordained” by him to pass on his teaching, which is clearly memorized mumbo-jumbo to her…. I believe he understood the ranting, eclectic lectures he gave — I doubt Melissa does. At any rate a fascinating saga in American religion. I would have thought it would have died by now along with the charismatic Dr. Gene. I will continue to follow it from afar.

  4. kathleen henebery says:

    I know the ” Great doc” when the “Doctor was in.” My boyfriend and I would listen to him at late night. his mom told us, I hope u are not going to be one of those re-born again christians. We laughed and just knodded no. I am a now a Christian , a servant of our Lord, I adore our Father and Dr. Gene Scott was without a true servant amd master of his research. I love u Doc and I will see u in paradise. God ‘s blessings be with wife. Kathy reigert

  5. Ralph Thomas says:

    So, Melissa was a porn star? That doesn’t bother me. I have to admit that I love to watch her. I haven’t decided if she knows what she’s talking about or if it’s “a bunch of memorized mumbo jumbo.” I’ve only watched her for about 30 minutes so far. She seems to have a slight limp when she walks. Does anyone know if that’s true, or am I imagining it.

    I remember watching Gene on Satellite tv back it it first came out. You must admit he is interesting and makes you think. He’s not unlike some of the mystics, i.e., Anthony De Mello, Paul Tillich, etc., but in a rough-assed sort of way. His asking for money doesn’t surprise me. They all do it in one way or the other.

  6. Art Reyes says:

    I have watcth Dr. Scott and Melissa on my sattelite I think their teaching is very good I like her singing as well.We must listen to the message more than the messinger,laerning the word of God is the important thing.

  7. william blackstone says:

    Gene Scott is one ot those people who comes around only once in a while. He could have done many other things well, but he chose instead to blaspheme God to the peril of many. I shudder to think of how many people will end up in hell because they believed him and his false teaching. There was much that he had to say that was of a serious and true nature, but the overall long-continued package, in hindsight, is that of a runaway train bound for Hades, calling all aboard. He clearly had a penchant for control and adulation. And he liked to turn the gospel into a country club fit only for members who contributed to his coffers. I am on the one hand an admirer of his, for he had many good qualities, but the tragic side of this enterprise cannot be underestimated. And to leave it all to what looks to me like an unrepentant woman who is only regurgitating Scott’s vomit, it really seems very troubling and sad indeed. I think that he should have gotten into the music business, or have become a writer of fiction instead. At least he would have hurt fewer people that way. All in all, I think that southern California has proven itself for what it is famous the world over – a magnet for all kinds of weirdos and shameful practises. Just like Tacitus said about Rome.

  8. Carl bunker says:

    i though he was weird smoking in church

    mostly worried about Melissa how was she taking it

  9. Bunny Overstreet says:

    I also just picked up on Dr.Scott. I work nites and had been off for awhile so was able to watch some tv. I was able to follow what he was saying… His biblical teaching were pretty accurate. Not sure how invested he was in his teaching tho. He lived a mighty rich lifestyle. I was thinking he was Bi-polar with some psychotic features.

  10. Dewey says:

    Dr Gene Scott’s widow Pastor Melissa Scott is droll and grumpy,
    demanding to be paid so you can enter heaven. She’s not looking out for anyone’s soul, only her own purse in my opinion and cares not if those around her collapse trying to hold up her arms. God taught generosity, patience and kindness. That left the building.

  11. Dean says:

    Saw him on TV years ago. Was very different. Does anyone
    know how old he was or how many years he had been doing
    what he did?

  12. Gary says:

    I was an avid fan of Dr. Gene Scott , and I still am.
    When I get to Heaven, after I meet Jesus, My Savior , I want to meet Dr. Gene Scott !

  13. Robert Serra says:

    I am shocked that the late great Dr. Gene Scott passing. I grew up in Southern California and has always admired Dr. Scott. People part a church need money to operate. How much money it took to run his church and whatever he did with any of is his and Melissa’s business. I’ve visited his Glendale church many times during my youth in Southern Cali8fornia. After I left the military I visited his Church as an Adult off and on for 2 years. I watched his broadcast on channel 30 a lot. That’s better than nothing because I pefered to be there but could’nt. I’m not using any names who replayed on this site but I’m hurt by people judging him for his off screen tirades and him asking for donations. I’m really hurt that anybody who says that he and his flock are going to hell for believing him. Who died and left man God? Remember the Word of God known as the Bible say the way you judge people will result in God’s judgement for you being the same. I don’t expect everyone to be a fan of Dr. Scott or Milissa. Dr. Scott is a person you can take or leave. As for me and my family we’ll take him and his widow Melissa Scott. Dr. Scotts demeaner was the firery preacher and person. I accept that. That who he was. I love Dr. Scott and Melissa. I know who Melissa Scott was and her past. God took her out of Babylon and gave Dr. Scott a great partner. Televanglist throughout the 70’s asked for donations. Dr. Scott was for real and Dr. Scott and Melissa case for their flock and people. He’s the only preacher who could keep my attention. No other preacher today or ever, even in my own faith can do that. They are too boring to me. I fall asleep in church or I change the channel on other televangelist. He was for real. I’m sorry to find out two years later he’s gone. I’m not ashamed to admit that I been in tears ever since I found out. He without sin cast the first stone. People in glass houses should’nt throw stones. There will never be another Dr. Eugene Scott. The world lost a great preacher. I want Melissa Scott to know that I send my condolences. I hope to meet you someday. Thank you for continuing his lagacy from the pulpit. You will always have my family’s support. God bless you. We love you.

  14. Chuck Goodman says:

    Dr. Scott was an man to envy, marvelous intellect, the ability to take the complex and logically deduce it down to meaningful, concise statements. Wisdom may be a word that comes to mind. Spirited, yes, perhaps sometimes contemptous; was he an arrogant man, or simply a man with a zeal for God’s truth and didn’t like others getting in the way? Was he perfect? I doubt he thought so, could he have been more humble, yes, of course on the other hand I could be more humble. So I will not be the first to cast a stone. John the Baptist was neither polite nor humble. But Dr. Scott did define some ultimate truths as well, or in some instances, the best I’ve ever seen. I do not doubt his convictions. May God continue to spread the good news through his lovely wife Melissa.

  15. louie says:

    Melissa is hot–catch her on the net—-playing with her pussy–it is something else

  16. Budliey Pud says:

    Thank God he left us his pretty little wife to lust after and fantasize about… I wore it out tonight when she was on TV…

  17. Mark says:

    Dr Scott knew stupid people loved two things — mystery, and self confidence. So he gave them both. He rambled on incoherently — with no purppose whatsoever — no topic what so ever. Stupid people of course eat that shittt up — they assume he is saying deep profound things. Of course — he isnt. Its bullship.

    He also did this with great self confidence — no apparent doubt whatsoever.

    His getting this hot slut 1/4 his age was a brilliant move. She gives him credibilty — like that black woman on Howard Stern’s old show. You figure if he can lay between her legs at night — he has to know what the hell he is doing.

  18. He is the only preacher I have ever heard teaching about the great pyramid, Gods word in stone, I thank him for that

  19. june says:

    I have only just begun watching
    > Melissa Scott teach and enjoy her style of teaching very much.
    > After reading about Dr. Scott I see he was married twice before. Can you
    > give me any information about melissa before she married Dr. Scott? She
    > mentioned once living on the East coast before going to Calif.
    > I am a big fan of hers…………and do believe in the redeeming grace of
    > God over our life but am curious about how they met…….how long they were
    > married and how she came to meet him. Have heard conflicting Stories about her past……..what is the truth?
    > Do you know why she dresses as she does on the programs? Thank
    > you……june knaack

  20. Stephen John says:

    The first time I saw the man, he violated 3 rules I had set to judge preachers on TV. I don’t like guys who call themselves Dr. Normally, their pontificating from an ivory tower. I don’t like preachers who chew people out. I don’t like preachers who say ” the Greek says”. They don’t know the grammer and the syntax. So I tune in this guy and he is angry (strike one), He calls himself Dr (strike two), and writes greek on the board (strike three). But I noticed this man had what old Pentacostals called the “anointing”. That hooked me. Another thing that got me was that I was God’s servant, not that God was my bell boy. I was so tired of the humanistic clap trap that is being pushed today. I miss you Dr. Scott. And as I wrote you one time, I’ll probably never meet you here but I’d love to meet you just inside the “Eastern Gate”. You got to be an old timer to know that phrase. As to the person who decride Mellissa’s former occupation, I bet you would be one of those who would want to stone Mary Magdallene.
    Thanks for the forum. Stephen John

  21. 1 Fast Fem says:

    Well when your dead your dead! God does not need another rose petal up in heaven..take a look at I Thess 4:16-18 and John 5:28
    Dudes…when your dead your dead! you are asleep in the grave and your next waking moment is the return of our living Lord and Savior…


  22. pete morreale says:

    god bless dr scott a grart teacher of the good news

  23. theyfreakmeout says:

    They both freak me out. I watch it every night when I get in bed and can’t find anything else on tv. I watched him, then she comes on. I was like hold on wait! What the heck???? They are married?? It really gives me nightmares. He is freaky and she can not carry a tune in a bucket! I will have to find the porn on the internet. I am a Southern Baptist and live in the Biblebelt. But come on. I do not think she has a clue. It is all about the money honey.

  24. Mary Lakey says:

    I find it interesting that “believers” in Christ find such delight in judgment of what they do not know. My husband (whom is a pastor) and I were very dear friends of Dr. Scott for many years in the late 70’s and through the mid-80’s. Never had I met a minister of the gospel so gripped by the Word, communion, and expressed desire/passion for his Lord Jesus Christ. Those who teach the gospel are to be supported by those receiving the teaching. Where were the pundits when Dr. Scott took $1 a year salary while restoring the ministry? There are individuals, including ministers, who have the intelligence and business savvy to make provision for themselves, families and friends without using the ministry to do so.

    The modern church should be ashamed of their flight from the true Word of God and the reason for gathering together – which is worship, teaching and communion. The modern church has stooped to theatrics, prosperity entreaties that God never promised, hype, glitter and all the rest of the non-New Testament instructions of Christ which were based on His fulfillment of the Old Testament law. Never has there been such abounding deception in the purpose of the “church” (which is true believers – not a building), warped praise and song services which are now nothing more than self-gratification and nothing to do with humbled worship of our Father, and the self-indulgent, self-serving, heresy that is pouring out from most of today’s modern pulpits.

    May we all fall on our faces before Father and repent of our arrogance and lack of discipleship. Maybe if more time were spent loving those that God is drawing to Himself, and expressing love to the lost, there wouldn’t be so much time available for being critical, judgmental and ungrateful that we are all sinners saved by grace. If we say we have no sin, then we deceive ourselves. God have mercy on us all. We certainly don’t deserve it, but we are made worthy through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Partaking of communion daily truly reminds oneself of whose we really are, and why we were allowed to take another breath into these vessels of clay – for God’s purpose, not ours. Go Into Peace. Mary

  25. F. Hatfield says:

    I would LOVE to know if there is a teacher out there who actually understands the bible. Scott had come as close as anyone I know.

  26. Believer says:

    I don’t care what anyone says in the negative about Dr. Scott or his wife, Pastor Melissa; they are a blessing to me and my household. I have – as someone else said – gone to church off and on for years and heard the same things preached over and over. The sermons are “nice” but mostly predictable and some just plain old boring. Not taught with such power and lively passion as these two have shown. I have wished so many times that my questions could be answered and these people are answering those questions as the weeks go by. For the first time in my life (as someone else stated, once again) the Bible has come alive for me and I feel my heart has been ignited with a need to hear more and more. How can anyone argue with that kind of response? I am sorry that Dr. Gene is no longer here to preach and that I didn’t find them until recently. God bless Melissa and keep her strong; she is up against a lot of criticism and prejudice and I wish her nothing but the best. She is carrying a big responsibility and I know she’ll come out victorious with God’s help.

    A Believer.

  27. Barb says:

    I have watched Dr.Scott since 1982. I lived with him from 1979 until?. My life after I met him was never understandable to this day. He gave me great love, knowledge and pain. My children are another story….no, they are not his…

    I found out he was a preacher and pastor and on t.v. in 1983. Most is too much to tell. If I thank him for anything, it is his anointed preaching/teaching. He got my attention and I needed all the faith I could muster just to survive my divorce from a Deputy Attorney General and my association with Dr.Scott

    I will tell you one thing for sure, you can believe and “lean on Jesus” and every word of God. I encourage you all to continue to learn and listen to him. his teaching. God bless you all.


  28. Craig Campbell says:

    The same idiots that make the lewd comments about Dr. Gene Scott are the ones that could not give any of us 3 uninterrupted minutes of anyhting worth listening to much less learning anything from.

    These are the same people that were screaming “Free Barrabus!”. These are the same people that laughed at Noah. These are the same people that give us hope because these attitudes are the attitudes that prove what we look to is real and what we have grounded our faith in is real.

    Only a soul devoid of grace or understanding could feel as if opening their mouths to say silly-assed overused cliches would actually benefit anyone.

    Sounds like the little minions of Satan himself can’t seem to rest even after ol’ Scott himself has long since departed.

    Dr. Scott was the greatest Bible scholar and teacher of our time.
    All of his detractors put together could not collectively gather up enough mental muscle to last 60 seconds in any intellectual ring with Scott.

    The are the cock a doodle doers hell will be full of. And rightfully so. They have to get all their frustration out now because this is their last chance:)

    Thank you Dr. Scott for enriching my life and my faith with your incredible intellect and discipline to unpack the word of God to generation of simpletons and mockers.

  29. Jeanne Crone says:

    Just met Melissa & the Dr on my tv….it programs on ION LIFE at 1am m-f . Used to watch Arnold Murray but can’t get him anymore.
    The Scotts are very interesting because they know their material, they have their Faith and they can teach it to you. Last night I heard the lecture on “Jesus Lives”. Wish I had the knowledge and brimstone to fight those who tell me the Bible is just a book written by many, all of whom have different ideas and thus contradict the messages. How ignorant but those who do not have eyes to see or ears to hear will miss out big time. I will certainly keep the Scotts on my TV. They cleanse all the preceding junk that is displayed by the nuts of our culture. They are a fine pair and so interesting I can’t get enough. Wish they were on longer. My sincere condolences, Melissa. You’ve got IT too, so keep on truckin’ with it. We love you.


  30. Bobby Lee Little says:

    I arbitrarily turned on my TV late Thurs. Morning and heard Melissa teaching about the Church of Laodiceans. I could not get away from the TV as tired and beat down as I felt. The teaching kept me magnitized and my spirit was responding to the revelation. The WORD was exactly what was needed for me at that point and time. I needed to hear that Jesus loves me and continues to knock on my hearts door even when I am being indifferent. You see, I love Jesus and the Gospel. I am so perturbed by the false and sincere teachings of the day. I was raised to respect God’s word but it seems that not many care how they portray the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a friend whom both him and I are at the same point with Churches whom claim to be doing Jesus’ work but is nothing but an outward show. Few things touch my spirit as Melissa was used that late night. I don’t fall for many things, but the teaching coming through her was refreshing. Please stay encouraged my sister, Jesus will see u through!


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