Dr. Gene Scott.com – Home — I was disappointed to learn that the always entertaining and cynical TV minister Dr. Gene Scott died last week. Here’s his homepage.

  1. Yosemity says:

    His obituary should read Worlds biggest a_ _ hole dies from being the worlds biggest a_ _hole!

  2. M J Peltier says:

    Good bye Doc, and thanks. Give Mom & Pop a kiss for me and I hope to see you all soon.

  3. Mark says:

    Just today learned he died, I regret I did not buy his painting, I was on the phone waiting to order when my freind talked me out of buying. This was in the mid eighties. I have thought of this many times over the years.

  4. michael anderson says:

    I’m still listen to the doc. see had excelent taste in ladies and scpirture rite up tell the end, glad the lady is holden up the message that was so well present by the only intellent person that I ever herd with a doctorate in eny thing. doc just got lucky going home sooer than the rest of us

  5. mia million says:

    I bet soon as he got into heaven he went looking for Adam,and Adam went looking for a dentist.

  6. Sue says:

    This man had the look of insanity deep in his eyes. He stared into the tv cameras on one of his programs, he never spoke during the entire program. Just sat there staring, got up & walked off at the end. I felt uneasy just looking at him, had the look of a demon. He was so foolish talking, one would think he was high on drugs. I don’t wish anyone to wind up in hell, but I fear thats where this moron is at this moment. What he needed here on earth was his a– kicked every day, for leading people into his world of disgrace, & a mockery of Christianity.

  7. Steve says:

    When did he finally reveal to his congregation that Christine Shaw had been married to him? I was very surprised to learn this on the internet within the last 2 years. Back in the 80s he passed himself off as a confirmed bachelor. Christine Shaw was supposedly (back then) just some person he always had with him so that he could always have an alibi in case someone made false accusations against him.

  8. Dr Wood says:

    What a great guy. I loved this honery old fart. He always said what was on his mind. And the music..well..great! I am a man that cannot hold his water, so I know tradgey. I feel like I live in New Orleans. I am always wet. The good Doctor always made me feel like Joey Buttafuco after a good lay. I will miss him and the pain in undescribable. I peeled all the plastic sideing off my house in his memory. I piled it up and set it a lite. It took 6 fire trucks and the batalion cheif to get it under control. It is still smoldering and I think I have aquired a lung cancer. Well time for a change of my depend, I wil write more if I survive…bye Dr scott

  9. Martha Curry says:

    I liked to listen to his sermons, did not care about his type of music or his many women friends. His vocabulary of different languages was above me. But when Scott talked about Jesus Christ and all the elect that Christ died for ,which is Gods Church, He felt to be a sinner above all sinners . This is what we feel when when God reveals Himself to us., Then we feel how unworthy we are . Our eyes are opened. We cry , Jesus have mercy . He chooses us here in time.

    He is gone where all good Soldiers go.
    May God Bless his wife.

  10. Steve says:

    None of the sheeple have addressed my question. Are you all just as surprised to find out he was married to Christine Shaw from 1982 to 1994? Why did he keep that a big secret? Gene was only good at teaching on esoteric subjects. When it came to basic Christianity, he was a total flop. He starts out by saying that the Greek work pisteuo is a verb (translated in most Bibles as “to believe”), therefore it has to involve physical action. He then defines that physical action as: send money when I say, get on the phone when I say, come to the King’s House when I say. Then he even has to nerve to say that if you don’t “act in faith” by doing these things on a regular basis, God will take away your salvation at a random unknown time. What he fails to say is that many can verbs can be intransitive, meaning they don’t have to involve physical motion. So the translation “to believe” is a valid translation. He also seldom mentions that the noun form of pisteuo is “pistis” which simply means “faith.” So there is not a need to create a new English word “to faithe” (to properly translate the Bible) as he claimed. Although such a word would only enrich our language.

  11. AC says:

    for the people that critisize Gene Scott, if you wise up you might know why God used a man like that. Instead of asking about the pryamid study it.
    Gene Scott understood that Gods people perish for lack of knowledge. He was not going to allow the tradition of Christianity to make him less than God intended him to be. As far as loving people? He taught the greatest love of all. Grace. He also used the bible to add substanece to Grace. When you understand that then you don’t need to be a hyprocrite.

  12. Steve says:

    He ranked faith over love, which is a clear violation of 1 Cor 13.

  13. Al says:

    A learned man. How many hours of study? I learned much from from his dedication to learning.

  14. Sharon says:

    I worked for Dr. Scott has a paid staff member back in the 1980s. I worked as one of his secretaries, although I had little personal contact with him, but I saw him almost every day. I traveled to San Francisco in his private DC-3 with other staff people, helped coordinate the Voices of Faith, manned the switchboard, and did other clerical work. It was exciting and fun. Dr. Scott was a brilliant and when he stuck to teaching the Bible, there was none better. But Doc was a megalomaniac, hot tempered and egotistical. His “real” tirades were all off camera, and never seen by the public. Those who worked for him would often go weeks or months without a paycheck. Some employees lived in their cars because they couldn’t pay their rent. I worked with a woman, then in her 50’s or 60’s who frequently had a cup of tea and saltines for lunch because she had no money. Few complained because we were doing God’s work and the Doc taught us well. But when he began acquiring his quarter horses, his homes, artwork, etc. while his devoted staff members couldn’t meet their financial obligations, a few of us became dissolutioned and left. I checked in at Dr. Scott’s website infrequently over the last 20 years, so I was surprised and saddened to learn of his passing. Dr. Scott was sincere in his teaching; in my opinion, his enormouse ego just got in the way. Mom and Pop were sweeties.

  15. Steve says:

    Sharon, did he really have a website 20 years ago?

  16. The web wasn;lt even a concept until 1989 and only appeared around 1992-3. So it seems unlikely that Gene Scott had a website in 1986.

  17. Steve says:

    I don’t think he had a website until the late 90s. She probably was referring to his tv show.

  18. Rodney says:

    Sharon, I would like to say thank you for your post. I served a pastor of a local church as a Board member for ten years and am familiar with the differences between what most members see and what the insiders see. Any future posts you feel comfortable posting would be welcomed.

  19. joy says:

    Dr. Scott was brilliant – as a linguist, philosopher, theologian. I have my BA and MA in Comparative Literature from UC Berkeley, and his comprehensive, wide-reaching knowledge could match any of my professors. I am sorry he is no longer with us, but I watch his TV re-runs, not so much for my relgious ardor, but for his intellectual acumen…and wry sense of humor.

  20. tammy says:

    Yeah, this post by Sharon seems most sincere and “real” but the thing about not paying the staff makes me wonder. It’s unbelievable, really. How the heck could that happen? Paychecks not getting to people. Gee. That’s just too basic a thing. Were any explanations ever given? I don’t get it.

    I watched Gene Scott off and on over the years. His ego was very evident, his show was entertaining, his core teaching on salvation by faith was right-on. (That basic teaching gets lost in all of the voices that claim to be preachers.) I even helped answer phones for a short while during the afternoons. I got a little frustrated with the staff myself. Things sometimes seemed very uncoordinated. I remember thinking, “How the hell can a well funded ministry not be any better run than this?” I finally had had enough when one day, I showed up to answer phones at my regular time and found that someone else was using the studio to tape a show. The phone bank had been moved to a different location but no one bothered to tell me. I ignorantly opened the door to begin my shift and found that I’d interrupted a taping! That was the last straw. I could no longer deal with such uncoordination.

    Yeah, I saw first hand the lack of coordination but not getting paychecks. . .?

  21. tammy says:

    Not getting the pay on time is illegal. Not one single person brought it to the labor board? Did you eventually get your full pay?

    Sharon, did you know the secretary named Melena?

  22. dennis says:

    i have heard so much about the “16 requirements” that dr. scott
    insisted be met by the church board that originally hired him. but i can’t find out what they were. i have written politely 4 times with no reply. anyone know what they were ?

  23. Kimberly says:

    I think that Dr. Scott was a modern day Prophet. Who cares if you think he had a lack of love or whatever, he had a flock to lead and he who loves his flock will chasten them. I trust no other teaching pastor but him thus far. He is the only one who tells you the truth whether you like it or not. He will be deeply missed.. I pray that Melissa keeps up the teaching, God bless her.

  24. ScottWatcherSince1976 says:

    I thought the world of Gene Scott. Like most conservative people I would wince a little when he went overboard, used foul language, and the smoking thing was hard to explain to other. However, this fellow sent me into the church libraries with every commentary spread out on the longest tables I could find, challenged and amazed and taking HOURS to work through what this guy could toss out in seconds. NOBODY preacher or otherwise ever got me to crack open those commentaries to CHECK OUT what they said. He was right smack dab on the mark in anything I checked. After years of simple worship in basic churches, I was ready for his kind of deep teaching and also his exploring oddities such as the Pyramid in Giza. I sent him money on many occasions for the exact reason he said, I was paying for a meal. I never like any evangelist who flew in jets but if he did, THIS GUY is the one who was worth it. He can answer to God about any waste of church funds, I was glad to give what I gave. This guy led me in the faith I elect to follow. Sometimes one has to accept an iconoclast for all the good information he delivers.

  25. no need to know says:

    Some people just want to make a living without thinking too much whether they know what they are talking about. Dr. Scott is such person. I watched couple of his late night reruns and I have to tell you that even with a BS and MS degree I probably understood 1% of what he was saying. His “lectures” or preachings weren’t connected from day 1 to day 2.

  26. Umm says:

    I don’t think that he was a poor servant of God. Smoking cigars and living in high style. Give me a break!!! I’m sure he stashed millions of $$ away for him and his young wife. Yeah did I say YOUNG wife? I don’t understand how educated people follow blindly someone to the extent to donate their money without asking where it’s all going. Furthermore I don’t understand why after so many uncovered scams people don’t realize that he was a scam artist.

    I may have offended people who liked him but I gotta tell you that preaching for him was just a way to make money and a living.

  27. learner says:

    I have only watched him for the three weeks prior to this writting and I have to tell you, I have found few who divide God’s word in such an honest and exact way. For those of you that did not understand him, that wasn’t his fault. You are the ones that lack the understanding to appreciate the exposition of the Bible from original languages. As far as I am concerned he brought me more in three weeks than I have recieved in the last 10 years of attending traditional church sermons. Dr. Scott proclaimed the Gospel, especially for those sinners sitting in church pews every week. From one of those, thanks Dr. Scott, I pray you are fellowshipping with the Master…..

  28. Allen says:

    What month of 2005 did Dr.Scott die.I am on the eastcoast & have just recently watched his program.Is Melissa Scott his wife??

  29. john t says:

    Dr. Scott left a legacy that many who have gone before and many who are still arguing about the good Dr’s standing before God and before the Christian world ,envy. Melissa, who is Beautiful, Intelligent, and blessed with Wisdom, seems to be doing a fantastic job in carring on where Dr. Scott left off. I stay up every night past midnight to learn from her. May God Bless You and Your Chosen Profession Melissa .

  30. I figure I must have started attending Faith Center within a year after Doc became the pastor there. I remember he traveled in a stretch limo (provided free of charge by the mausoleum he was involved with in Northern California). I became a regular supporter (my “Kings House” number was like 250 … I think I still have the certificate somewhere in my attic) Yes, I gave thousands … even took out a second mortgage on my house to help with the fight against the FCC to retain the broadcast license in New England. The Faith Center broadcast ministry was practically a dead horse, wheezing its last breath when Doc took over and got it on its feet again. Unfortunately, the folks that agreed to give him carte blanche to save the ministry began wanting back in when it became a “success” again. They wanted to say how things should be run, but Doc stopped them in their tracks …. which was a good thing. I almost quit my job and went to work for him, but decided it was too risky after hearing rumors that people sometimes didn’t get paid. Since I had no family “back-up” in California, I decided against it. I remember the sweet harmony of The Dove (singing sisters) in the early years. I remember being a “Voice of Faith” on the phone lines after work during the Festival and Jake Hess sitting at the phone next to me explaining to a caller that he didn’t “steal” Elvis’ rendition of a song … that HE (Jake) actually did the song styling that Elvis used on his record. Assistant pastor “Jim” and his wife Peggy seemed to do please Scott for several years, but then I witnessed Doc humiliate him right in front of a packed church … he began his “nag/rant” by saying how Jim would sing off-key and it went downhill from there. Jim was gone in several months, and Sammy (the piano player) probably lasted another year after that. Doc changed. He would verbally “whip” people who worked behind the scenes … cameramen on staff and volunteers. Though Doc could parse scripture like no one else, I didn’t like him demeaning people at his whim. I stopped attending, but would check back occasionally to see how he was doing and listen (radio) if he was teaching. Unusual man, super capable in so many respects, and sadly egocentric as he got older. A shame …. with all his faults, he did a lot of good work too. Turned a lot of people “on” to Christ, but also made Christianity a mockery to others


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