
Brussels ‘will kill off online BBC’ – silicon.com — This is getting funnier and funnier.

German example would see Auntie’s online offerings culled

The BBC’s online presence could be under threat from Brussels, as the EC’s competition authorities look to scale back the internet offerings of all Europe’s public service broadcasters.

The head of the European competition directorate, Nellie Kroes, is believed to be against the use of Europeans’ TV licence fees to fund state broadcasters’ online content, considering it as an illegal cross subsidy, according to unnamed sources quoted in The Guardian.

The bureaucracy of the EC continues on its self-destructive path until there is fighting in the streets.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    One would think that Europe would have created the EC to actually benefit and strengthen the individual countries. However, it appears that the sole purpose of the EC is to bring the entire continent down to the level of its lowest member.

  2. Jim says:

    Maybe there will be dancing in the streets. Unnamed sources at work here JD. I guess the facts will speak. I guess this is like future shock. Some bureaucrats will start killing off parts of the Internet. This is about as funny as all the uproar over kids downloading music and the RIAA dick lawsuits. Multinational corporations are starting an information war against bloggers, the BBC is getting put offline and the weather is changing. Some people will try anything to get the truth out and others will do anything to stop it from being seen or heard. Some things are more reliable than others. So are some people. The Internet is for people, corporations just screwed a bunch of people. Break out the golden parachutes and champagne, all the antitrust laws have been voided. All you need now is software to run your life. Run for your life, the sky is falling, be a nervous wreck and make the filling for the pie in the sky. Go to the hardware store and get duct tape, plastic and more software. Pickup a can of WD-40 while you are at it. It depend on what is means or some other nonsense I guess. It is the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. What a bunch of monkey business.

  3. Robotwisdom says:

    Offftopic for this thread, but I just got this at Wired.com:

    Presidential Election
    Brand new and used. No bidding.
    Buy it at eBay! (aff)

  4. Jim says:

    EC is like the UN or some other multinational government group of economists, lawyers, scholars and shaggies. These people are great at attending meetings and cocktail parties. They always have some new book out and are giving signed copies away. When it comes to actual reality, the whole thing just becomes one big corrupt mass of confusion and resentment. These are the kind of people who are trying to create a global postal service and a one world stamp act. Designing politicians is the proper term for them. There are a few old books all about it. Maybe we can just shut the Internet off today and wait for them to tell us what we need to think about. Tell them thanks for nothing.

  5. Jim says:

    Big problems and dangerous people. The solutions will be found, they won’t be final or anything like that. I know of about ten other problems on the waiting list and ten more ahead, dangerous minds and the courts can’t keep up. It’s only the middle of the week. We have some serious fraud in California and maybe Kentucky. When people get these censorship brainstorms, there is only one way to get it out of their blood. Let it collapse. Information gravity is at work for us, we’ll see where the dust settles. Live in peace or rest in peace. I enjoy the blog here. Great graphic here, by the way.

  6. Jim says:

    Maybe they are starting an information for food program. You can turn in your pirated copy of Windows and get a can of corn.


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