Obviously a target of Republican “hit” squad

Universal Edited Out Coulter’s ‘Old Arab,’ to Discuss Problem of Different Versions — Maybe all old Arabs are dyspeptic?

The syndicate also said this morning that Coulter, in the Feb. 23 column she transmitted to Universal, did use the words “old Arab” to describe Helen Thomas before the syndicate edited out “Arab.” Universal had originally been unsure whether the column Coulter sent Universal contained “Arab” or whether Coulter only used that word in the version she posted on her Web site.

Meanwhile, E&P reached Thomas this morning, and she declined to respond to what Coulter wrote about her.

In her Feb. 23 column, Coulter wrote: “Press passes can’t be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president.” Universal said it removed the word “Arab” before distributing the column to Coulter’s 110 client papers; the new version read “dyspeptic, old Helen Thomas.” But “Arab” remained in the version Coulter put on her Web site.

Main Entry: dys·pep·sia
Pronunciation: dis-‘pep-sh&, -sE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek, from dys- + pepsis digestion, from peptein, pessein to cook, digest — more at COOK
2 : ill humor : DISGRUNTLEMENT
– dys·pep·tic /-‘pep-tik/ adjective or noun
– dys·pep·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Doesn’t this better describe Coulter? And does anyone besides me think this brouhaha and usage of the term “old Arab” was done to take the spotlight off the fiasco over fake reporter and White House stooge Jeff Gannon?

related link:
Mum on Gannon?

  1. Ima Fish says:

    My theory is that Coulter intentionally left it out of the print edition, so she can later claim she was censored by the leftist media.

  2. Jim says:

    Her again. More noise from hell. They want to see how high she’ll go, just to hear how loud the thump will be when she hits the ground. File a no class action suit and move on. Maybe they can send her off to the new Americanized part of the Middle East to make friends there.

  3. Jim says:

    Thanks for the Working for Change link. This story would benefit from a list of links. This story seems to be so pathetic, some people are just tuning it out. Thanks for the update John.

  4. K B says:

    “that old Arab Helen Thomas”

    “dyspeptic, old Helen Thomas”

    The irony is that the second version sounds offensive, while the first does not. “Old Arab” sounds knowingly sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek; “dyspeptic, old Helen Thomas” just sounds mean.

  5. david says:

    K B, I totally agree with your succinct summation.

    I don’t believe, however, that Ms. Coulter was attempting to take the spotlight off of Jeff Gannon; I wouldn’t give that pseudo intellectual that much credit. The Jeff Gannon incident is another example of the Bush administration’s arrogance. Incredibly, they’ve gotten away with it again. But they’ve gotten away with 9/11 so I guess everything else is just gravy.

  6. cj says:

    Helen Thomas’ family lives in my hometown. Her sister-in-law was my fourth grade teacher. The whole family is delightful. According to her brother, they are Lebanese by country of origin, Jewish by ethnic tradition and Catholic by faith. The irony of calling her an “old Arab” seems rather interesting.


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