Give me an “I” give me an “N” give me a “DIA!” What’s that spell?

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Hillary Clinton made it apparent where she stood on outsourcing during her India visit, in an attempt perhaps to clear the Indian misgivings received during the Kerry campaign. “There is no way to legislate against reality. Outsourcing will continue,” she told an audience of Indian big-wigs. She pointed out that there were 3 billion people who feel left behind and are trying to attack the modern world in the hope of turning the clock back on globalization. “It is not far-fetched to imagine … if the Indian miracle would be the one of choice of those who feel left behind,” said Hillary.

Hillary has been at the forefront in defending free trade and outsourcing. During the height of the anti-outsourcing backlash in the US last year, she faced considerable flak for defending Indian software giant Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for opening a center in Buffalo, New York. “We are not against all outsourcing; we are not in favor of putting up fences,” Hillary said firmly, despite inevitably invoking the ire of the anti-free trade brigade.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    This confirms what I’ve been saying all along. People blame out/insourcing on the right. That’s ludicrous. Both Democrats and Republicans are funded by large corporations who are in favor of out/insourcing. There is no way in heck either party would ever reject out/insourcing as the party would immediately die as every ounce of corporate sponsorship would dry up.

    Let’s face it, we’re toast in the US. There is no person or party or entity to save us. We’re screwed.

  2. Jim says:

    More from the we are going to save the world gang. Bill was over in Taiwan selling his My Life books to the Taiwanese and the Chinese were all bent out of shape. Look forward to more $50,000 speeches about finding your hope in government. His buddy Bush might of sent him to get the Chinese pissed off just for kicks. Word to China, just ignore them like most of us do. After they save India, they land back and New York and pester all of the locals who are out of work. They have a program and it’s like a drawing room comedy routine. Maybe they’ll move to India and leave New York alone. I doubt it.

  3. syngensmyth says:

    I am looking forward to all the future Hilliry/outsourcing rants, or maybe they only applied to Bush, Republicans and the failing tech. economy. We shall see.

  4. Jim says:

    Well Ima Fish, you can always count on work. Politics is a jungle in the rumble. People are fooled by temptation, by all those carrots held out there. The carrot is that you can have it all. Then you get stuck with the stick, because you can’t have it all. The battle for bread will go on. One party has no heart and the other party has no soul. When they get together, it’s like a Frankenstein monster. Bipartisanship is like date rape. Many of these corporations will be blown to bits and that’s not really a bad thing. Work will go on and the world will spin on the same axis. We are going to make India more competitive, like India really needs us to tell them what India needs. If nobody takes you serious here, go to India and preach the gospel of wealth in India or China if that’s what you want for your money. You can’t have it all and you don’t need it, but you can find it. You just have to work on it and keep working on it. If you want justice, work for peace. If you are looking for your security in India, you could be spending a long time looking if you are in Detroit. I hope Sen. Clinton gets India squared away and spends more time there, it will keep her out of Detroit. GM isn’t worried about software and India and I’m not worried about GM and hardware. Some jobs are easier than others. India could build Corvettes, they just couldn’t sell very many in India. Maybe we’ll be importing disposable cars from India some day. I won’t buy one, I drive a Buick and I keep working on it. India might make a hell of a toaster or a PC. You can’t eat software and selling it is a tough business with people giving it away and the pirates making discs and all of that. GM won’t start giving Corvettes away, nobody can make pirated copies and the baker won’t start giving his bread away. You can eliminate hardware and dough and go with software and flow. I hope it works out, but I think you’ll get blown to bits. Software is like talk, it is cheap and getting cheaper. I think I’ll have toast now. The bread was $1.49 cash money. Get your assets in gear. You got change for a hundred and you have got your change for the sake of change.
    What are they going to do, put speed limits on information next? Maybe India can market the radar detectors or something. Before you know it Detroit will have a hydrogen Corvette and India will be trying to find water to drink selling software. You can always move your business to India if that cooks your corn. Kentucky will keep putting corn in bottles and life will go on. Maybe India can put corn in cans with help from Hillary. All I’m missing is a stiff drink.

  5. meetsy says:

    Ima, yup, we are screwed.


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