The Website of Jack Krebs — If you are following the creationist debate that I’m promoting on my website then you should bookmark the Jack Krebs site. He’s the evolutionist who is a major thorn in the side of the zealots in Kansas.

  1. david says:

    For all the talk on “intelligent” design why would an intelligent person waste four billion years to evolve a DNA molecule into a human of today? Sounds pretty cruel if you ask me, and not an attribute to someone who is wise, omnipotent and caring. Given a chance, and the supreme intelligence, a golden retriever would have designed a better world.

  2. Tom says:

    Krebs is an arrogant pretender to expertise in science. As a teacher he has been rated domineering and unhelpful.

    His site is acutually a cover for a local Kansas City atheist group…which is determined to eliminate any mention of religion.


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