And a HUGE selection? LIES!!

Note and photo from reader Joe Pate

I was looking at your blog site and reading the piece about “The Great Google Ad Test” when it occurred to me that I might have some relevant information (or not–you be the judge) .

Recently I was on a recipe site searching for recipes that involved pinto beans. I happened to notice a Google generated ad that was apparently built from my search criteria linking to ebay and something about it caught my eye. Here is a snippet of the web page and ad that I caught for a colleague of mine (complete with arrow and comment that I later added). It reminds me of the problems that we used to see with traditional mail outs through the post office where sweepstakes offers would be sent to Mr. Johnson Cemetery.

Just thought you might find it humorous, but it does bring up the question–would you really want used pinto beans?

  1. meetsy says:

    used for what? Used in a bean bag chair since the 70’s but, still tasty?
    Yeeesh.. sell them to Taco Bell!

  2. Daniel says:

    My favorite is doing a google search for Mormon:

    Mormon For Sale
    Low Priced Mormon
    Huge Selection!

  3. essicajay says:

    Hahahaha!!! That is so sickening… USED pinto beans?! Ish! Google is ridiculus for posting something that… dumb.


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