UPDATE: Well, I guess this got yanked down by the International Forces of Something or Other. It may be the last shot you had. I’ll send out my crack team of investigators to try and find a last mirror.

UPDATE 2 Link Found here.

thanks to Dan Garion

Somebody got hizacked — I know this seems like piling on, but once the Paris Hilton T-Mobile phone got hacked (news story here), mirror sites cropped up everywhere. From this link in Australia you can rummage through her phone pics (almost all pics of herself including some racy ones) and her address book with interesting names such as SF Mayor Gavin Newsome.

That said, has anyone considered this to be a hoax that went astray? I say this because of the photos. They are too slick. They are posed in ways that do not seem natural. They seem art directed with often slick lighting. I’m convinced that the idea was to release the pics as some sort of hack — for publicity purposes — but the address book got caught up in the hoax by mistake. Judge for yourself.

If I was going to hack a phone for numbers and pics, it wouldn’t be hers.

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    This could be more viral buzz marketing Mr. Dvorak. I’d get the phone verified. Cell phones can now learn all about you and dial numbers for you before you know you want to call somebody. They use some sort of AUI WAP program.

  2. Tenaya says:

    Whose WOULD you hack?

  3. Thomas says:

    If it were anyone other than I-have-no-life-or-career Hilton, I might disagree with you. Given that ms. rat-dog is getting all the attention, I’d bet that the pulling of her “personal photos” is a hoax. However, the T-Mobile numbers being stolen, that’s real.

  4. DanGarion says:

    I found this mirror from another site.


  5. Jim Dermitt says:

    Look at the good news. Her limo didn’t get stolen.

  6. Anonymous says:

    >That said, has anyone considered this to be a hoax that went astray?

    We’re talking about Paris Hilton, whose claim to fame is a “stolen” video tape of her having sex. Everyone knows the tape wasn’t “stolen”, it was a publicity stunt to make her famous (like Pamela Anderson and the Tommy Lee video).

    This is probably a publicity stunt as well. How much did the publicity cost … near $0. What a return on investment!

  7. site admin says:

    Who would I hack? I donl’t hack, but if I were to hack then I would target a Donald Trump, or Bill Gates or any CEO or even a real celebrity. Paris Hilton is the Zsa Zsa Gabor of our time. A fake celbrity with no reason to be one except for relentless self promotion and publicity stunts. This did get her that miserable TV show, but that gets old fast. I’d rather watch grass grow. I’ve nver benn able to watch more than a few minutes of her and Nicole giggling and acting stupid. When is the public going to sicken of this nonsense. I suppose I’m part of the legion of rubes and suckers for even linking to any of this. But I think my angle that this is a fraud is unique.

    You really have to ask yourself exactly why this phone of hers was supposedly hacked.

  8. N says:

    Not only does it seem fake but she looks massively photoshopped!

    Of course, if I was going to release topless photos of myself as a bonerack, topless on the Internet, I would Photoshop them too.

  9. meetsy says:

    Uhhh, why is she a “celeb” again? Did the loss of the Gabor sisters cause a black hole in the media psyche that caused this bimbette to be sucked in as a replacment?
    Her phone list was a set of b-list loser, and her password was PASSWORD. (Is she really THAT STUPID?)
    I don’t think this is viral marketing, because I don’t think that TMobil needed the BAD PUBLICITY (“you too can be hacked”…just doesn’t seem to be the next killer sales pitch.)
    She wasn’t the ONLY ONE hacked, but certainly the funniest….her notes to herself show one thing….”Hi, I’m Paris, let’s talk about me…..oh, wait, why don’t YOU talk about me.”
    The phones aren’t secure….they’re incredibly NOT secure….so if some doofus can hack, and no one seems to care, what better to do than find some b-celeb dingbat on the list…and offer THAT UP to get some attention.
    ….But, we all just focus on the buzzz….of the celeb, and her boobie shots….NOT ON THE ISSUE……that these phones are not secure or private.
    Hitler said it best “what good fortune for those in power that people do not think”

  10. david says:

    Congress should pass a law making it mandatory for every single adult American man and woman to be photographed in the nude and in at least one lascivious sexual act, and then have all those photographs posted on a public website accessible to every adult in the world.

    Then, everybody can just get on with their fucking lives!

  11. Richard says:

    What a Bimbo.
    The perfect wife.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hey, David, that’s a smart idea!


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