
George Says… — Ok here are a couple of amusing sites that let you put words in the President’s mouth. Somebody has to do it. Also look for the Kerry site here. You’ll find other links too. Mildly amusing.


  1. Jim says:

    This could be great for viral marketing. How about fake people with real quotes. Great stuff John. That is the new new thing. Microsoft has a fake guy Cy, with a fake email address, which is real except for the fact that Cy is fake. Maybe Microsoft is planning on selling a fake anti-virus solution which will trick users into thinking they don’t have a virus, it is just a new feature. Microsoft will pioneer fake security, using fake people and Bill will make another billion off the suckers. Oh boy, I can’t wait!

  2. Jim says:

    The real passion of the new century is servitude without ideas.

  3. Richard says:

    100% Pure Soft Money
    Good One John ROTFLOL!


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