And the sign for “take off your top” is what?

SAN MATEO COUNTY / Gorilla Foundation rocked by breast display lawsuit / Former employees say they were told to expose chests — Oh, broither. This one is a beaut!

One example: “On at least two incidents in mid-to-late June 2004, Patterson intensely pressured Keller to expose herself to Koko while they were working outside where other employees could potentially view Keller’s naked body. … On one such occasion, Patterson said, ‘Koko, you see my nipples all the time. You are probably bored with my nipples. You need to see new nipples. I will turn my back so Kendra can show you her nipples.’ ”

Todd Roberts, a partner in the Redwood City office of Ropers Majeski Kohn Bentley, which is representing the Gorilla Foundation, said the law firm was still reviewing the suit.

It’s always the same, blame the ape.

  1. david says:

    There must be something terribly wrong with Koko; he only wants to look?!?

  2. meetsy says:

    Doesn’t Paris Hilton need a job? She LOVES to show off her boobies….and I think Koko is just her type.

  3. Bunny Moazed says:

    When Koko asked me, “Taste nipple there?” I let her, but told her I would bash her face if she bit me. She looked very happy as she tasted my n-i-p-p-l-e.

    Former volunteer


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