New EU Passenger Rights Anger Airlines — We should adopt these same rules here.

In addition to doubling the compensation limit paid to passengers who are bumped from an overbooked flight, the law will compensate passengers in the event of cancelled flights, which weren’t covered under the old legislation. Passengers can demand compensation ranging from €250 to €600 ($325 – $778), depending on the length of the flight. In the case of delays — also not covered by the previous law — passengers are now entitled to a ticket refund if the delay is five hours or more.

  1. yorkpaddy says:

    How about rights to choose a company that I want to do business with, and let me set the terms of my contract.

  2. Mariner says:

    Are you sure you havn’t taken my picture waiting for my stocks to

  3. Jason says:

    > We should adopt these same rules here.

    Why? We (are supposed to) have a free market. If passengers don’t like an airline’s policy, they are free to take their business elsewhere. If there is widespread demand for a nonexistant but reasonable bumping policy, a competing airline may emerge.

  4. dan says:

    Although this may be good for the passengers, the airlines will probably raise ticket prices to compensate.

  5. meetsy says:

    Jason,….free market? I think your key words are “supposed to”. We don’t. Not when companies merge and buy, and gobble up each other like a Cane toad. Since deregulation…I haven’t seen any improved services OR lower prices…just crappier service and more delayed, cancelled, and overbooked flights, among other scams.

  6. Hank says:

    Now if the EU can just up that infuriating 20kg luggage limit to a weight that we long-term travellers might actually carry.


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