Lady Killer

News | canada.com network __ OK, here is some loser who hangs out in chat rooms trying to convince women to kill themselves. He says he has a cool place to do it too. He gets a slew of these dingbats, some with children, to line up for this idiocy. Meanwhile he is living “at home” with MOM in the trailer. Ho boy. You have to read this one.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. (CP) – A Toronto-area woman uncovered an online mass suicide pact intended for Valentine’s Day that involved at least 32 people across the United States and Canada, police said Friday….

…The woman, who Evinger said lives in York Region, just north of Toronto, told detectives Tuesday she had planned to participate but had second thoughts when another chat room participant said she would kill herself after first killing her two children

Happy Valentines Day!!!

  1. Mark says:

    Of course, the complaint here is about the man behind this. Where’s the outcry against the women who were going to kill themselves. Interesting that you don’t deride them…

  2. T.C. Moore says:

    Well, he did call the women “dingbats”. But I don’t think “suicidal depression == stupidity” in this case.

    Obviously they need help. They have to be thinking about suicide already, but this is just the kind of thing to push someone over the edge: believing you aren’t alone and can make some kind of statement by joining such a pact. Very dangerous.

    I wouldn’t suggest there ought to be laws, but you’d think Yahoo and others would scan for groups and topics of this nature. If someone hadn’t mentioned killing her children, the witness may not have come forward, and the whole thing could have gone through.

    Most of those deaths would probably not have occurred without the “community” as a catalyst. I would not make it a legal requirement, or sue to make it a judicial requirement (interesting concept), but it’s a downside to online communities that can certainly be managed. I suppose there’s a free speech issue, but not if it’s not the government doing the enforcement.

    There’s a difference between Euthanasia and “dying with dignity” vs. killing oneself due to depression. The latter is usually temporary and should be prevented. I think we are increasingly confusing the two in this country. Self-determination while under the influence of mental illness should not be mistaken for freedom.

    Of course, I wouldn’t want to live in a police state where they force you to live and enjoy yourself at gun point. Apparently that’s what John is suffering under right now. When will the incessant pressure for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” ever end! Personally, I’m only happy when it rains.

  3. Imafish says:

    Mark, I guess you didn’t get the memo. For years women have been blaming men for everything. Accordingly, it’s now a proven fact that women are blameless.

    Think about this: If a 15 year old boy willingly has sex with a willing 16 year old girl, only the boy will be charegd with statutory rape. Why? Essentially, because only men have free will. The boy can choose to have sex. While the girl can never choose such a thing, she was merely a victim of the male dominated society.

    When a man does something wrong. He’s wrong. When a woman does something wrong, she’s a victim.

  4. Lindsay says:

    Get with the program Dude, these women are ill victims of a evil man who is of course completely responsible for his own actions, and responsible for the deaths of any children these women kill.

    Jeeze – isn’t it obvious ?

  5. Mike T. says:

    Who cares….society would be better off with none of these losers (the man and all the women) in it. You could almost feel the gene pool strengthening.

    Why we spend so much time and money trying to prevent people from offing themselves when they want to is beyond me. Heck, I’ll buy them their first bullet.

    Mike T

  6. david says:

    I don’t think that man is evil. On the contrary he was good, though misguided. He was offering women who already had inclinations to suicide to fulfill their wishes by being a brave facilitator in the process. You call him evil because you see the situation through your reality, which is healthier than his. But evidently, his world and those of the women were filled with unbearable pain. If you were about to be burned to death in a skyscraper wouldn’t you jump from the window to end it all quickly instead of enduring extreme pain? People in his situation need someone to rescue them, not call them names because his actions are “evil”. I also think we live in a time where women are EQUAL with men. I have no sympathies for women who blame men, or, for that matter, men who blame women. The current state of evolution is guided by the mind (education) and NOT by the body (physical strength) therefore every individual is responsible for his/her actions. If you give, as a man, women special treatment (except during courtship) such as absolving them of responsibility because they are “weaker”, then you are demeaning yourself and setting back the clock on the women’s liberation movement. This might be difficult because women use their weapon of sexuality to manipulate men, but a man who falls for their ploys has already been beaten, and ironically, the woman has proved more powerful than he.

  7. Richard says:

    Typical Apple User


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