Cancelled? Why?!!? News – Top Stories – Health inspectors cancel art duo’s human blood pudding show — These guys were going to drain their own blood and make food from it? As performance art? What is wrong with these people?

AN ATTEMPT to cook a human blood pudding as an act of outrageous art has been abandoned after health inspectors were alerted.

Scottish artists John Beagles and Graham Ramsay were planning to slice and fry black pudding made from their own blood in a show of “live art” this afternoon.

But they were forced to abandon the project after Edinburgh City Council dispatched its environmental health officers to the Royal Scottish Academy building on the Mound, the show%u2019s organisers said.

via E. Campbell

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  1. Anonymous says:

    John, you are being very unfair to these people. They are just trying to express themselves.

    [And at least the authorities know to keep an eye on them now 😉 ]

  2. Becky says:

    What freaks!!!!! Omg! What posses someone to drain their own blood for art. Come on…really? Who, that is sane, would do such an extreme act other than insane people. They need to get a reality check 🙁


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