I am nerdier than 88% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
— I find this rather embarrassing. Click on the box and see how you score.

  1. Ken says:

    Egad. I was pitying you until I received my score: 95.

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    Here’s mine, John:

    I am nerdier than 92% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

  3. Why would you consider it embarassing?

    I got a 95 and I consider my score to be an honor.

  4. Steve says:

    I only got a 56! I thought I was way nerdier than that.

    Then again, I’m not a technology columnist, so I don’t get all the latest gadgets and information that would put me near the 90th percentile.

  5. Drew McNulty says:

    80. Lower than my coworkers, but more than double my wife’s score. I miss the days of RPN and the confused looks when people borrowed your calc.

  6. Bummer. Only 89.

  7. meetsy says:

    OMG…..I’m a 62…that’s horrible….where can I get a lobotomy at this hour?

  8. John C. Dvorak says:

    62? Apparently you’ve already had one.

  9. Tim Otero says:

    97 – much nerdier than I thought. That HP RPN calculator of mine came in very handy…

  10. K B says:

    I scored 81, but it’s o.k. because I am an English major. (Thank God I took Differential Equations– I knew it would help someday.)

  11. [ M ] says:

    I scored a 90. All because I had a H-P RPN calculator.

  12. kzoodata says:

    I scored a perfect 50. I am either well balanced or due to be hit by a truck coming from either direction. Perhaps an IQ test will determine whether I’m smart enough to recognize the truck and know which side toward which to step.

  13. Frank says:

    Ouch – I got a 98%. I guess that’s par for a chemistry prof.

  14. david says:

    scored 50. jeez, you guys are nerds!

  15. T S Chari says:

    I got 35% and not nerdy but not a hip. Interesting really. I know now whether I am a nerdy or not.

  16. Thomas says:

    A 96. It’s sad that the only benefit I got from Linear Algebra was to boost my nerd score. And yes, the HP 15C and 16 rocked.

  17. PD says:

    A respectable 93% for an English guy. Not all Nerds work at MIT!


  18. Robert says:

    I got an 88% – High Nerd, which I already knew dat!

  19. Robert says:

    true dat – 88% High nerd


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