The real McCartney? Dead in 1966?

Paul Really Is Dead: Part 1 of Facial Comparison: Getting A Reference. — What a great site with a fact-by-fact rundown. Fascinating and entertaining.

Before comparing the faces of pre and post 1966 pictures of Paul it would be a good idea to show you just how accurate this process is by comparing two pictures that we already know to be of the same person. First we will compare two photos of John Lennon, taken 11 years apart, and see how much a face changes in this amount of time.

Then we will compare two pictures of Paul’s girlfriend Jane Asher, one taken in the 60’s, the other taken in the 90’s.

Finally, we will compare two pictures that we know to be of the real Paul McCartney, one taken in 1963 and another from 1966 around the time that “Yesterday and Today” was released and see how well they match.

Even more stuff here.
And this site that pooh-poohs the whole idea (with different stories too)
Canonical Death Clues Website

  1. "-" says:

    It’s true!
    I just wrote to every friend I have!
    Faul (False Paul) MUST answer our questions!

    What have they done with the real Paul?

  2. Carmi Levy says:

    I believe they buried him in the end zone a la Jimmy Hoffa


  3. david says:

    The definitive way to prove or disprove this urban legend would be to do a simple DNA analysis of Paul today and his siblings or relatives. Then let’s move on to more important things like finding Elvis! (Simple proof Elvis is alive: [1] move the letter “i” in his name between the “l” and the “v”– Elivs, [2] now move the “E” between the “v” and “s”–livEs). Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis Lives.

  4. Steve says:

    I thought you were just being silly posting this… but, its pretty undeniable once you see the pictures!

  5. Joe Gaffney says:

    The proof was in the Super Bowl halftime show!

  6. raddad says:

    I don’t know. Looks like the same guy to me. I would have been more impressed with the analysis if better images were used.

  7. John C. Dvorak says:

    The DNA test is a good idea, but the current McCartney would never submit to it. What bothers me and what seems missing from ALL this is simple voiceprint analysis. You have the same guy singing the same song can we look at some voiceprints? Also there is an entire movie, Hard Days Night, with an near infinite number of frames with Pauls face. How come none of this is ever used? Also the eye-ball to eye-ball analysis has issues depending on the focal length of the lens. Also, with many people, their nose keeps growing until they’re dead. All we have here is one parameter and a letter supposedly from George Harrison. What does Ringo have to say about this? He is never discussed. A cover-up like this needs dozens of accomplices. I am always skeptical about the “tell and we’ll kill you” aspect of anything — a red flag if ever there was. This assertion is common amongst UFO-ologists.

    As for the discrepancy in height, this was an era where men wore platform heels. It was not uncommon to see people offset by 2-inches or more. This fad began about the time that the “tall” Paul appeared.

  8. Ima Fish says:

    All this talk of Paul being dead is complete nonsense. If Paul died in the 60s, then who wrote all of his great music with Wings in the 70s and his fantastic solo work in the 80s?

    Now if you will please excuse me, I need to go hug and kiss some poisonous snakes.

  9. david says:

    As an aside about music, I found this out yesterday and was flabbergasted:

    If you play Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven backwards you get the following lyrics:

    “Oh here’s to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He’ll give those with him 666, there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.”

    Hear it here:

  10. Jude says:

    I agree with most every intelligent person, that Paul McCartney is indeed alive, and he has been since the day he was conceived. The William Campbell theory is so full of holes (Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall and the story about Faul.) You can’t hold an open look-alike contest with uneducated young men such as the supposed remaining Beatles. They were drug-using, girl-crazy, song-writing, sing-abouts that had very little experience in such matters not to mention the cover-up techniques and expenses. Please…Let It Be!

  11. Cheal says:

    Just a note from one of the few “intelligent people” who doesn’t believe everything they read, but also doesn’t believe that the Paul we all know today is the same boy who stole the heart of the World. Rest in Peace, Paul.

  12. superman says:

    if you did a dna test where would you get the old pauls dna?

  13. Alice says:

    it’s nonsense! paul mccartney can’t be died… you really think that if he was really died in 65 when we was one of the most famous person in the UK, all the world wouldn’t know that????????? you are out of your minds!!

  14. GeNiZYN says:

    the real paul is dead. he died of pnemonia/ high-fever, exhaustion and over fatigue. first, they made a scenario of a car crash rather than by a fever and could make a great impact to the public. but, someone interfered and suggested that the image of the beatles will still live, since at that time, the beatles was a (very serious) big big business, and even up todate. some close to (the real) paul, put codes on their tracks/lyrics and album pictures to let the public know that (the real paul) is really dead. william campbell (and george martin?) should be credited to all the songs published from 1965 to present under mccartney’s signature. the men are super heros. they wrote awesome songs than (the real) paul. epstein could not accept the scenario and later died the following year after (the real) paul. john became rebelious and was even doin his own solo tracks while still working on the beatle’s last album- abbey road. there are so many clues you can find on their lyrics alone and most of these lyrics were written by george martin.

    check out on the youtube- paul is dead.

    if you ask ringo today-“is paul really dead?” is like asking neil- “did you really walked on the moon?”


  15. helen says:

    I don’t think the Paul McCartney is dead but The strawberry fields video raises some serious questions. Look at the man in the Strawberry fields video he is too tall and lanky to be Paul. I don’t know the look out his eyes something ain’t right. He may not be dead but I’ll be damned if thats him in the strawberry fields video!

  16. amy_shmamy says:

    Paul is alive. I wish the heads they used we better quality and the one head was obviously a bigger image…. You can see the platforms on his shoes btw
    I saw it on the smoking gun website so i am not positive if this is the same thing. Also my eyes are differently shaped and i have never had plastic surgery I was born with it.

  17. d says:

    btw, dude please, it doesn’t say that anywhere in the backmasked song. you can ALMOST hear “satan”, but not nearly as clear as you could.

  18. d says:

    btw, again haha, look at his eyes. the before and after pictures, when you see can see them beside eachother. they’re really.. wierd haha cute but they look the same :S maybe he did a nosejob and then the distance between the eyes got smaller in the same time? it’s sounds crazy but just look at them.

  19. paulisdead says:

    paul really dead I really want it out


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