Most underrated Host on TV
MSNBC – — The funny and astute Keith Oberman notes on the Gay Sponge Bob controversy. Good reading.
The best of them was not a misspelling but a Freudian slip of biblical proportions. A correspondent, unhappy that I did not simply agree with her fire-and-brimstone forecast for me, wrote “I showed respect even though I disagreed with you and yet you have the audacity to call me intelligent.”
via JS Dvorak
Funny and astute? LOL, I’d use the terms “stupid” and “moronic” to describe Oberman. And his fans.
The funny and astute?
He’s lame and pretentious. That weiner called an ALCS baseball game in Boston a “riot” when a few handfuls of fans stormed the field after back to back terrible umpiring calls favoring the Yankees.
He has a holier than thou attitude, acts like he is the final word in morality and makes mountains out of molehills grandstanding with “noble” positions.
He sucks. That’s why he’s on MSNBC, the network for 3rd string TV personalities with an appropriately proportioned viewing audience.
Oh dear, I don’t know what is worse. That Olbermann has a blog or that someone noticed he has a blog.
Actually, I find Oberman to be one of the few bastions of sarcasm in the media (I would include John in that elite group). I’m amazed at the number of people that just don’t get sarcasm. Most Americans have had their wit dulled by our entertainment industry. Perhaps that’s why I love British humor so much.
I found his blog to be a scream. I especially liked the story of William Henry Harrison’s inaugural.
Different strokes for different folks, some people like Dennis Miller’s sense of humor.
But could you boneheads at least spell his name right?!?!? It’s Olbermann!
Yeah, morons who watch Faux news don’t get Olbermann. He has a great wit and is extremely intelligent and refreshing. Faux news are a bunch of Bushco propagandists probably bought and paid for like Armstrong Williams… Grow a brain!
I find Olbermann to be refreshingly different from the Bushco mouth pieces on Faux “news.” At least we know he is not bought and paid for like Armstrong Williams and a few others that I can think of! Of course, it takes a bit of intelligence to “get” Olbermann and his sly wit!!
I love Keith Olbermann! If I don’t catch him at 8, I catch him late-nite. Instead of the heavy and usually autistic reporting style found on most shows, Keith gives a refreshing, light-hearted, and REALISTIC report on the events of the day. He says what most of us would like to say….