New Iraq Flag

Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/31/2005 | Defying Insurgents, Millions Vote in Iraq Yay!! We win, let’s leave!

Yesterday, however, President Bush hailed a victory for his Iraq policy, and Iraqis basked in a freedom that most of them had never known before. Voters danced in the street and let out shrill cries of joy. They wiped away tears and hugged their children. They risked death and celebrated with chocolates.

  1. Jim says:

    This has become an appropriations issue in Washington. There is too much money to be grabbed by lobbyists and defense contractors to leave Iraq, even if we are not needed there. I agree with Senator Kennedy, get out. They had Senator Kerry on a Sunday morning talk show, still talking about this International coalition. Staying in Iraq will be expensive and if it goes poorly, then guys like Kerry can then blame President Bush for not building a coalition of the willing. They’re thinking of 2008 already. Senator Kerry will be out there in 2008 saying he stood behind Bush even though he didn’t agree with everything, Bush couldn’t build a coalition, he agreed with Kennedy on the fine points and he should of been elected in 2004. It is a should of, could of, would of position. Kerry can say Bush should of, I could of and Kennedy would of. The goal is getting voters to think what Kerry could of done, if he was now the President. Senator Kerry can then run around talking credibility and saying this is what Bush should of done in concert with Europe. Europe wants nothing to do with it. Senator Kennedy is having none of this, coalition or no coalition, it is as simple as all politics is local. For Kerry it is very complex, more complex than winning or losing. We won in Iraq and that is not good enough, we must build a coalition that supports Iraq, because Iraq is now in our coalition. I suspect that once Iraq gets back to business, there will be some who use democracy and our resources against our U.S. interests here and around the world. Lets spend a hundred billion, building weapons systems for our new Iraqi friends. You can’t have a democracy without plenty of high powered weapons aimed at everybody. Maybe Kerry can help Bush get Iraq armed to the hilt, so we can leave Iraq. If we leave now, all they have are road side bombs, rocket propelled grenades and crappy AK-47’s. This isn’t good enough, so Kerry and Bush will have us paying for and building them a some new bombers and tanks, just in case Iran decides it wants to invades Iraq. Maybe we can get Iran into the Kerry Coalition. Yea, send Iran $200 Billion U.S. Dollars and maybe the whole thing will all work out. Senator Kennedy is busy trying to salvage what is left over for Social Security and Medicare for his district. Maybe Senator Kerry can start pushing legislation so the Iraqi people and the Iranians can have affordable healthcare like we had 20 years before Senator Kerry was elected. The senators have a hell of a benefits package, for themselves and Iraq. I’m down to a few bucks and no health insurance. I worked for a U.S. airline. Maybe Bush and Kerry can build Iraq a new airline and buy Iraq a bunch of brand new Boeing 737’s. What is a democracy without commercial air service? Sorry Senator Kennedy, you can’t board the plane, you are not on our list of coalition members. Getting Kerry booted from his district senate seat is easier than getting the U.S. out of Iraq. There is a good job for Senator Kennedy. Kerry is loser and the Republicans are trying to frame Kennedy as a loser. The Kennedys don’t lose, they are never done.

  2. Michael Cuthbertson says:

    “Voters danced in the street and let out shrill cries of joy.”
    This must be the same group of shills they trucked in for the infamous Sadaam statue-toppling event in 2003.
    They won’t be around to chat, though, ‘cuz they got another gig.
    They’re off to Atlantic City for a 10 night Village People tribute.
    Then it’s 5 nights in Dearborn for the city council elections.
    These guys are booked solid.
    John, you need to call their agent.

  3. Jim says:

    I guess it won’t be long now until United, Delta and USAirways can get service started up into Baghdad International Airport. The airport was closed for election security, but now that democracy has begun the airlines should be buying gate slots again. We win they lost, fly the clear and friendly skies and call your travel agent. People are saying NYC to Baghdad will start at $199 non-refundable round trip (if you make it), with a small snack and a glass of wine (not French). IraqAirways will be running after the U.S. Senate with the Bush Administration gets an appropriation bill passed so the government can order $57 Billion of jet aircraft from Boeing Corp. that will be sent to Iraq next year. We would of given them one of the bankrupt U.S. fleets, but Iraqi officials hired a lobbyist in Washington and convinced the Senate and the Bush Administration that nothing would be too good for the new IraqAirways. This new airline will make United Airlines and USAirways look like a joke according to a Capitol Hill staffer. The new jets will be built by Ali-elsqueezy Boeing LLC, who just purchased the U.S. company in liquidation.


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